Hatter, go to her.

And that's what I did.

Without a second thought, I run over to her. I kneel in front of her and peel her hands from her face. She won't look me in the eyes, but she doesn't need to. She just needs to hear me. "I'm so sorry you saw that Alice. I-I didn't know you then and-and," I stop because I run out of words to say. My brain is still bouncing around in me head.

Instead, she says something, "The worst part is, that's not even what I forgave you for."

I furrow my brows in question. "What do you mean?"

She takes one of her hands out of my grasp and wipes her tears that I created. I did this. "What I'm forgiving you for, is also why I broke my mind." My eyes go wide. I'm the reason Alice went into her blank state. I'm the reason Alice felt so broken she wanted to hide away in her mind. She sees I'm thinking to harshly and shakes her head. "Don't blame yourself Tarrant, you don't even know the reason why yet."

I breath in harshly and nod my head. I will never understand this. I will never understand how she can forgive me for putting her in that state. I will never understand how after everything I've done to her she can say she loves me.

Alice moves over onto the couch and I take that as an invitation to sit next to her. I hesitantly move to sit next to her and drop her hands out of mine in the process. Alice turns to face me and says, "Hatter, Tarrant what happened with you and... her... broke my heart." IM SO SORRY! "But what broke my mind was what I saw from you the next day. I saw you the day after... that day, and saw you give up. I've NEVER seen you give up before. Never, ever! But what really drove me over the edge was that you gave up on LOVE. You gave up on something I believe everyone should have and you just..." Gave up. I just, gave up. "And when I saw you... I thought that then I..." Would never have a chance.

I understood it all now. I understand all of what Alice was trying to say. She felt how I felt for years all at once. All the pain of knowing she never have a chance, even if that person felt the same way. I still, sorta feel that way. But after this... I'm never letting her go again.

I grab her hands again and gently ask her, "Alice I... What do you want me to do?"

Then Alice stops crying. She stopped shaking with sadness and looked into my eyes. She looked right into my eyes and said, "Make me think differently."

And I knew what she meant. I knew what she meant, and never expected her to say it. Something I've always wanted and she's giving me. Something I always dreamed about and never thought it would be reality, but it very much is.

I do what I should of done a long time ago. I say, "I love you." And, "Are you sure?"

And she reply's, "Completely."

I don't need to be told anything else. I kiss her right then and there. I kiss her deeply, but slowly and make sure I remember every bit of her. I want to remember ever part of her lips, every taste of her body, and every destination I can visit... and I'm going to visit it all.

I pull Alice into my lap like she was before, but instead of staying on the couch I pick her up. She giggles with the sporadic movement. I smile up to her then continue kissing her as much as I can. I kiss her as I walk down the hallway. I kiss her as I go up the stairs. And I kiss her as we make it to my room.

When we get to the ledge of my bed, I slow our pace in the kissing until I finally have the ability to stop. I comfortably lay Alice down in the middle of the bed. I crawl up her body until we're face-to-face again. I rub her cheek then kiss her once more, lightly this time, and ask once again, "Are you sure?"

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