"I think we'd, uh, we —" Started the blonde as she held up a questioning finger.

Quickly, Genevieve waved her hand dismayingly, sending a dirty side glare towards Jonas. "The adults are having a meeting, Jonas!"

Turning around facing the wall, Genevieve exhaled her attention back on the phone call. "Now every seventh grader — even the dumb ones, know the second law of thermodynamics," Genevieve explained, "All ordered systems tend towards disorder, disorder!"

"So I'm going to ask you one more time, Matthew Wilder!" Demanded Genevieve as she gritted her teeth annoyed. "What gives?!"

"Isabelle wasn't at the museum, that's what gives," clarified Matt, Genevieve could hear him try to stifle an awkward cough that made her roll her eyes.

Quite recently, after the party, Genevieve had contacted Matt Wilder, a private investigator, to find out a couple of pieces of information about some people. Obviously, he couldn't deny it — Matt was a man who did dirty work for a few criminals and somehow always getting caught by his victims. Genevieve saved his ass some time ago, so he owed her the favor.

Genevieve lifted an intrigued eyebrow as she pressed the phone harder to her ear, "Tell me more."

Her eyes widened the slightest as she heard Matt murmur the information, the information that just might solve the case.

Before Genevieve could end the call, Matt's voice rang on the phone catching her attention. "Y'know, you are a petty, selfish, manipulative, disciplined psycho bitch —"

"You are a man," Genevieve growled, lowly. "You are an average, lazy, boring, cowardly, woman-fearing man."

"I saved you," added Genevieve with a snarl. "Remember that, asshole."

Ending the call, Genevieve slipped the bright white fur coat, an everlasting stoic expression on her face. Jonas watched the brunette leave curiously, she could hear of doors slamming from the outside of the apartment bedroom.

- - - - - -

Throwing the doors open, Genevieve stepped into the police station, her handbag hanging loosely on her propped arm.

Susie, who caught Genevieve arriving, immediately moved towards the brunette's side upon capturing her angered expression.

"Is Bob here yet?" Genevieve asked as she stalked towards the station's lounge. Before Susie could respond to her question, Genevieve continued as she looked at everyone in rage, no one daring to look her in the eye. "No? Well when he gets here — could you remind him, my anger is at an eight."

"You might want to dilate it down to a four, because Isabelle's in the interrogation room with Elias," Susie informed, cautiously. Her body slightly slanting towards the side, wearily trying to catch a glimpse of Genevieve.

Genevieve took a large inhale, her shoulders sagging as she gritted her teeth. "How do I seem now?"

"Maybe like a seven?" Susie responded, awkwardly.

"No one asked you," gritted Genevieve as she pushed her handbags towards Susie's chest, who was protesting continuously.

Slamming the doors open, once again, Genevieve stepped inside the interrogation room, catching the attention of Elias and other officers who stood at the door.

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