"I can't! She got what she asked for." I scoffed." She shouldn't be here if she can't fight."

"Now you're just being a heartless kid." He sighed, rubbing his temples forlornly." I can't let you get away with this."

"What do you mean?"

"Here." He dug out a folder from beneath his drawer and tossed it towards me." That's your punishment."

"You're giving me a new case?" I beamed." Finally! I'll be free from this hellhole for a while."

"You'd want to read through it first." He crossed his arms over each other." I wouldn't be too excited if I were you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I quirked my eyebrow, skimming through the pages of the folder." A bodyguard, really?. How could you?"

"Obviously that's what you need."

"This is torture!" I groaned." Why would you do this?"

"You need to control your temper and this is the best way."

"How??" I yelled, anger bubbling in my veins." How is that supposed to help me control my temper!"

"Read through it." His expression grew stoic." You're going to be Mr. Maxim Woods's bodyguard. He's recently filed a complaint of being stalked extensively. At first, we thought he was being paranoid, but the stalker's attacks have become more persistent."

"So?" I jumped to my feet." You couldn't assign me to investigate the matter? Why his bodyguard?"

"Don't question me, Kid!" He rose too, towering over me." I assign the jobs here so you'll do what I tell you. Mr. Maxim is in college and you're going to enroll in that same college as a student to keep him away from danger."

"You've got to be kidding me Chief." I groaned." First a bodyguard and now a college student? Do you seriously think I can pass as a college student? I graduated years ago!"

"You still have a good body kid." A ghost of a smile played on Chief's lips." You'll be fine."

"You're just being mean." I smacked my hand against my forehead." Why are you doing this to me? Isn't there something else?"

"Hmmm." He stroked his chin thoughtfully." There is another job you could take up. It's far away from here and the college too."

"I'll take it." I blurted out." Anything aside from that."

"Great." He sat back down." Starting from now you'll be attending to Susanne's every need till she's fully recovered. Deal?"

"What?!" I had to make sure my jaw was somehow still connected to my face." You're joking right Chief? Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not." He intertwined his fingers." Either you become Mr. Maxim's bodyguard or Susanne's personal nurse. Your choice."

"But they're both horrible choices!" I whined. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch something or someone too. All at once." Why Chief, why?"

"Next time, you'd think with your head and not your fists." He stared at me pointedly." And remember, you mustn't fail in any of them. Mess anyone up and you're out of here."

I felt my blood run cold the moment the words left his lips.

"That's all Kid." He raised a finger to my face. " I want your decision before the end of the working day. You may leave now."


"Do we ask her now?" Alyssa whispered furiously to Tatum." Or give her a few minutes?"

"I'd say we ask her now." Tatum nodded in my direction." But you'll be the one to ask. She can easily murder me and I'm not ready to die."

"You both know I can hear you right?" I pouted, sinking deeper into the empty booth we were occupying.

"We're sorry." Alyssa cooed." We're just being careful. What happened in there?"

"Guess what?" I flung both arms around their shoulders." I'm going to college."

Another chapter up guyssssss 🥺😵

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