Kenny Omega - Mystery Tag Partner

Start from the beginning

I helped the daughter over the rail and then the dad as the three of us walked up the ramp to my music. Once backstage I got them the tickets and backstage passes and they went back out to watch the rest of the show. I then had to find a partner it was time to put my plan into action. I had one woman I wanted by my side and one woman only.

Next week

Megans Pov

When Kenny had approached me with the idea of us tagging I was so happy I loved tagging with him. It was always so fun. I haven't tagged with him in a year or more since we were both last in ROH. But he also came up with another idea one that would revel a few more details than Kip and Penelope could ever expect. So here I was backstage with Kenny both of us were dressed in our ring gear and ready to rock. The little girl from last week who'd we'd found out was called Isla and her dad was called Pete were with us too. They were the only other people outside the elite to know that I was the surprise. She they didn't know about Kenny's extra surprises though. We wanted to keep somethings a shock for them both. Everyone knew I'd been approached by All Elite to sign with them but no one else knew my answer just yet. We were all currently having fun backstage playing Super Mario. Myself and Isla a team verses Kenny and Pete. We were all laughing far to. I hope to be serious now though. We turned the games off and began chatting.

Isla – what advice would you say to me if I wanted to be a wrestler.
Kenny – hmmm I'd say go for it because I believe that if you do we'll be seeing your names where ours are tonight if you work hard.
Y/n– I'd say always be you because quite frankly young lady you are amazing and I know you have a bright future ahead of you. I also believe a wise man once said You just have to be true to yourself and whatever your passionate about, because those bad times pass. And if you stay true to what your passionate about your going to be happy and doing something you truly love in the end.
Pete – now I wonder who said that.
Isla – Kenny did silly.
Kenny – that I did. I see there's not one but two very smart you ladies with us.
Y/n– I think your right there Ken.

We continued to laugh and joke and take silly pictures with Isla and Pete whether they were for being the elite, my vlog or for Pete and Isla to post later in the night. When we were given out 20 minutes warning we hugged Isla and said goodbye to her and Pete. Kenny and Myself vs Kip and Penelope was the opening match of the evening. So we both began warming up and making sure everything was done. Kenny grabbed both his tag team champion belt and his triple A Mega Campeon championship. He wore my favourite gear of his which was cool because I had found my gear that matched his from when we used to tag together.

 He wore my favourite gear of his which was cool because I had found my gear that matched his from when we used to tag together

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To match his gear I wore a blue bralette style crop top which I'd had modified. The clasps still the front were now permanent closed and I got it on and off by a zipper that had been stitched into one of the seems so it was practically invisible. Then I wore a pair of leather trousers and my normal boots and kick pads. I'd even found my blue covers for my knee pads. Not bad to say I'd only had a weeks notice. I grabbed my old goodbye and goodnight top that I'd cropped slightly. I had my full gear plus the top on and my hair and makeup had just been touched up. I had a smokey eye and a pink lipstick my orange hair had been left in its natural waves and pulled up into a messy high ponytail. As we waited backstage Kip and Penelope were making their way down stage at the moment.

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