~ eleven ~

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The alarm started beeping at six. That same annoying, loud, and unnecessary sound. I swear it gives me anxiety. Because an alarm symbolizes a new day. A new day that you have to wake up and pretend you're great.

Last night, Jess and I got a ton of clothes, some candy, and I got a pair of shoes. She did cry when she had to go home, but I told her we'd FaceTime every night.
She said the only thing she's scared for is sitting alone at lunch because her best friend isn't there. I mean you can't blame her. Going to school without your best friend is terrifying.

I really hope she finds someone though. Maybe Ruth. Ruth's a nice girl. But she also likes Louis... and I for some odd reason hate that.

I groan quite loudly, and mash my face into the pillows, trying to block the repetition of the alarm. Beeping and beeping and beeping. It's no use. Giving up, I flip on my side and reach over for the snooze button.

Finally, the beeping ends. I lay on my back and stare straight up at the fan. I put my vision on one wing, and follow it.
Around and around and around.

Five hours of sleep last night. That's all I got. Even after Jess left, the nerves got the best of me. I couldn't sleep until one in the morning.
Probably because that's when I normally fall asleep anyways.

It was a four and a half hour drive up to where we were filming. The Wesley House. All around that area is where it would all happen. I must be ready for measurements and costume fitting by one in the afternoon. Be at the train station by seven to seven twenty, arrive at eleven, and have two hours to relax, unpack, and talk with the cast.

Today was all about getting everything ready. Tomorrow was the first day of shooting.

But first, I have to get ready and make sure I have everything. That means getting my fat ass out of this bed even if I want to sleep in until one.

I swing my legs out from under my covers and trudge over to my bathroom.
Starting today.
I'll see a boy who makes my blood boil, daily.
I'll be standing on set, cameras filming me.
I'll be learning new scenes everyday.
I'll be an actress.

Once I make it inside the bathroom, I want to throw up at how nasty I am in the mornings. The mirrors reflection is horrific. It's me.
First, I take a nice hot shower. To wash my hair and body, but honestly really because I need to calm down. Nerves got the best of me last night.

And I don't want them to get me today. Especially around Louis. If he sees I'm nervous, he will start teasing and joking around with me.

I use my favorite shampoo, conditioner and body wash, and then use my cleanser for my face.

Finally I get out and wrap my hair in a towel, feeling a little nicer but still freaking out.

After the shower, I brush my teeth, and then take my hair out of the towel it has been sitting it, and brushed through.
That's when I realized.

"Shit," I mumble. My hair isn't gonna dry in time to straighten, meaning that I'm gonna show up with my curly brown hair. That won't look very professional now will it?

But what can I do about it?

My natural hair legit sucks. You have the frizz, the split ends, heat damage, everything. No matter how many 'repairing' and 'nourishing' hair treatment bottle I get, nothing works.

After I did some makeup, and tied my hair back in a clip, letting a few loose damp strands fall in front. I was done. Now it was simply a matter of double checking I had everything, and then heading off.

"Y/n?" I hear a tired voice ask from the doorway, "You leaving soon?"
The voice slightly startled me but it was only a moment before I recognized t.
I nod and walk over to Johnny, who wasn't here last night when I said goodbye to Wyatt, because he wouldn't wake up in time to say fair well.

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ~ ✰☽ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now