SKY 12: Carousel

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After we ate at No.9 Diner's Caylus took me somewhere.

A place I have never visited for a very long time. 

As my foot step it's ground after 13 years, I can still remember the memories I have in this place. 

"Happy Land Carnival"

I have never thought I will be visiting this carnival again. I never pictured myself to here again after that night. I wanted to tell Caylus to let's go and find another place to hang around; but it was to late to utter a word. He already bought tickets for us and the excitement he have on his face is hard to break. 

"You ready?" Caylus asked excitedly like he can't contain his happiness upon wanting to enter the carnival. 

"Y-yeah," I said

But Caylus' face draw near mine, I can feel his breath brushing my lips and his manly perform lingering my nose. This is so close, that my heart starts to beat rapidly. 

This is bad, he might hear my heart racing! What would he say when he finds out my heart is going crazy? 

Caylus was carefully examining me: I can't stand his stare or else I would really faint from this situation. Caylus hands extended to me and my instinct tells me to close my eyes expecting his warm lips to meet mine. But  instead the back of his palm touched my forehead while his free hand touched his forehead, he was comparing our temperature to check if I was feeling well.

"You don't have fever, but why is your cheeks burning?" Caylus asked worriedly, while the back of his palm remained in my forehead checking my temperature. 

"Y-yeah I'm okay," I said gently pushing him away. 

This won't do, if we're too close I end up turning to a tomato and my heart playing like drums. 

Caylus wasn't convince with what I said that he attempted to step closer but I step back trying to leave distance between us, "Are you sure you're really okay?"

I was about to reply to him a yes I'm really okay and it's nothing you have to worry about.

Of course it's nothing you must worry about because I only loose my control when you're around. It's like I can't control my body's reaction towards your actions and I hate it because I'm falling despite this short period of time we met.

"Yeah I'm o-, hey look a carousel!" I pointed to the spot where the carousel is situated which is just a few distance behind Caylus. Caylus turned around to look at what I was pointing.

"Do you want to ride the carousel first, gorgeous?" Caylus asked as he face me.

"Y-yes if you're okay with it," I look at my feet and placed my hands at the back playing with my fingers while biting my lower lip.

Of course he would say no, who in the right mind would ride a carousel at this age right? Plus I don't think it's Caylus thing to ride such ride, so I tried to change the idea of wanting to ride the carousel but Caylus spoke first before I can utter a word.

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