SKY 8: Did I disturb you?

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I woke up later than I was supposed too because I wasn't able to set my alarm clock last night. I was even lucky to even wake up and not get my ass late for school. That's all thanks to Caylus for leaving me hanging last night, what a jerk.

School was like as always, busy jamming all information in your head in one discussion. I have this mindset that school shouldn't be forcing, that school allows the students to learn and explore the world. That teaches us how to survive not just simply putting loads of information that we don't even need in our daily basis. I mean if school did that at the first place, our country wouldn't be like this.

I'm honestly sick of school and the school system, but I have to be in school because I wish to get a degree and a decent job when I grew up. Speaking of that, I dream to be an architect one day. I was inspired by Spain and Italy's architecture: I only saw pictures of it in Pinterest, I haven't travelled around the world yet but I do hope that one day I do.

11:20 am , it's lunch time already.

I unconsciously checked my phone, hoping for Caylus' name to pop up but none. Why am I even waiting for his name to pop up in my screen anyway? It's so weird of me.

"Alright class, I want you to go with your dance partner in this instant and get ready for practice."

I don't basically dance but these are things I have to do for grades. I was just staring at the floor when a shadow reflected the floor that brought my gaze up to who is this man standing in front of me. It was no other than Delice.

I won't lie but I use to have a crush on Delice.

He's smart, responsible, funny, and kind. My type of guy. He was sincerely kind to that I mistaken his kindness with affection, because of that I found my heart broken into pieces when I found out he doesn't see me that way. Eavesdropping is bad but I couldn't help it but listen to every word he said that pierced my heart.

All I wished that one day my heart just stop crying every time I met his eyes, wishing that one day he would like me back. I don't know how to describe my heart now, maybe I can describe it that my heart is now compose and it doesn't hurt like crazy.

"Good afternoon my lady."

Delice jokingly bowed down like a gentleman and extended his hand for me.

"Good day gentleman."

I played along with his roleplay, but I ended up letting out a soft chuckle because this is so corny.

"I want to see a clean dance routine this time, in 3,2,1"

then the song flightless bird by American Mouth decided to play.

I positioned myself for the dance with Delice.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

And as the lyrics played I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Delice, then we started to sway in the dance floor.

I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your straight light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys

Our eyes met and I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks with me, but I see burning passion in those deep blue eyes of eyes.

His eyes...

His eyes are captivating and I couldn't help it but remember those days; where my heart would beat insanely loud every time we are this close.  Memories started flushing back as the song is getting into me, how I secretly cried at night.

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