SKY 11: Let go and one Kiss

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No. 9 Dinner's

That's where we are now.

A restaurant that I'm not that familiar with but the aesthetic is pleasing. Caylus parked the car and hurriedly rushed out to open the door for me. He extended his hand and I accepted it to help me get out; but why am I so clumsy that I would trip over nothing?

My ankle slightly twisted once I step out the car and almost went straight falling right to the floor that would literally give me me smiling wounds on my face. I was expecting to my face to hit the hard rough cement with my eyes shut but it was the opposite. It was soft and hard cement, it's where I opened my eyes and found myself wrapped in Caylus' arms like a baby being protected. I can hear his heart racing but I didn't mind that, all what's in my mind right now is how close we are. That I can smell his mint breath and air coming out from his nose.

"Be careful gorgeous," Caylus slowly pulled away and slide down his hands to mine to interwind them together.

I tried to let go of his hands but every time I try, he would tighten his hold in me. "Let go and I won't hesitate to kiss you."

"What? Excuse me?" Confused of what he was saying. Joking maybe.

"If you let go then one kiss shall be the payment," Caylus said as if it was nothing but there is this something painted on his lips that I'm not sure what it is.

"You must be kidding," I rolled my eyes inwardly and still attempted to let go of his hands. I don't do threats if that's what he's thinking.

I forcefully withdraw my hand from his grip and successfully got free but Caylus is not a man of bluff. It was as if time slowed down and it was just the two of us.

Caylus lips were getting closer and closer to mine. I can feel his hot breath as it's drawing closer and my heart is starting to beat crazy. I don't know if I'm just crazy but my lips acted on it's own that it slowly parted welcoming Caylus' soft lips. Caylus pulled me closer to him while claiming my virgin lips. It wasn't rough but gentle, you can tell how careful and delicate he is in every move he made. My knees decided to betray me and it felt weak, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck for support. His lips were soft as cotton and it was like a drug, addicting. My consciousness failed me that I am giving back the same ferocity as him. His tongue made it's entrance and I gladly accepted it. His kisses were getting hungrier and hungrier but that stopped when we heard a beep from the car.

"Get yourself a room! This is a parking lot not a baby making room!" The old man shouted from his driver's seat window.

I quickly pulled away and hid behind Caylus out of embarrassment from the old man. He saw us did the thing! 

What am I thinking that I actually did that?! I secretly slap my face to wake me up , if this was a dream but there was a sting left on my right cheek.

Ghad this is so embarrassing! 

"My apologies sir," I heard Caylus respond to the old man with a gentle manner but I still hesitate to face him. I can't handle the heat burning on my face with all these butterflies in my stomach. A soft air brushed my ears and gave me a tingling sensation that I jumped out, "I told you. You let go, then one kiss," Caylus said with a wink.

"I didn't know you were serious!" I bravely face Caylus with my heated face.

"I'm always serious when it comes to you," He said in a low tone that I can hardly hear a word.

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