She didn't just have eyes for me though. She came up to me. Came up, right to me! She asked me, what I was doing tomorrow night? At first I thought about father. He's been stressing about this crown for the upcoming coronation for Princess Iracebeth. The thing is, her correlation isn't for another year! So, without thinking, I said I was doing nothing.

That's how I got here. Got to walking up to her cottage next to the Duches house. Got to knocking on her door. Got to being inside and sitting on her pink fake fur couch.

I'm incredibly nervous. I don't know what we're going to do, but I know that she can't keep her eyes off of me. She has pure red lips and her brown eyes have different types of blue painted all over the lids.

Dark blue, light blue, cyan, aquamarine, navy...

"Tarrant, are you alright?" Lilith asks me.

I shake my head out of the madness and answer her, "Oh, yes... S-sorry. What were you saying?"

She giggles an adorable sound. When she giggles, I see she has a gap tooth just like me. She looks back up to me between her lashes and shakes her head.

Is it hot in here?

When did it get so hot?

She moves closer to me till her knee bumps mine. I look down at our knees bumping each other, and then Lilith moves her hand to be on top of my knee. She rubs it slowly with her thumb, this creates a feeling in me I haven't felt before. I look down at that feeling and try to push Lillith's hand away, but she stops my hand with her other one. She reassures me, "It's alright Tarrant. I don't bite."

Then without any warning... she kisses me. She kisses me deeply and almost painfully. Not to my mouth, but the feeling I have in my trousers. It's aches each time she moves her hand up and down my leg. Before I have time to adjust to this new feeling, she moves to straddle my legs.



I shake my head and force myself out of the memory. I don't want to see this. I don't want to know this. "Stop it Emiliza! You can't make me see this!"

"Well, thank Underland I don't care what you think, but I guess if you don't want to see the memory... then maybe we should just join it."

She grabs ahold of my head again, and I yell at her, "No!"



No! Wait, what. Why am I still here, but not here?

"I thought we could witness this memory together. Since it seems, you have a lot to say about it," Emiliza laughs so loudly into my head that I hear it bouncing against my brain.

It was then I realize, I see them again. I see them touching and rubbing against each other. I try to close my eyes, but I can't. I try to look away, but I can't. I PHYSICALLY can't. Each time I try, Emiliza just continues to laugh in my head.

I watch Tarrant grab onto her hips and I scream. I watch her move her hands up his chest and I scream. I watch her unbutton his shirt and I scream. I watch her bite his lip and ask, "Oh, Tarrant. Have you never done this before?" Each caress, each touch, each passionate saying. I scream every time. I scream at Emiliza to stop this. I scream at anyone that could hear me to make this stop. Make this torture stop!

I was at least eligible to close my eyes when they got fully unclothed, but I wasn't able to cover my ears from the noises.

"It's okay Tarrant, you don't need to be gentle," Lillith said.

"Oh, Lilith," Tarrant moaned back.

Oh my Underland, stop this! Please, Emiliza! Don't let me hear this! Don't let me watch this! She just goes on laughing and the pairing in front of my go on making their noises. They continue on with it for what feels like hours, but in reality was only a couple of minutes.

I know it's over when I hear him shout her name in pure ecstasy. I slowly peek out from under my eye lids to see Tarrant laying next to Lillith. He looks so happy, but that's not the worst part. He looks at her like she's the most beautiful person that's ever been in Underland. He said it to himself before. In his memory just moments before there coupling.

I feel my eyes begin to cry, but just before the first teardrops Emiliza shouts into my head, "NOT YET! We're not done. I have one last thing to show you." I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

I don't want to see anymore.

You've got your wish!

My heart is broken.

"Not just yet," Emiliza tells me. I slowly open my eyes to see we're somewhere else. I see Tarrant skipping joyfully through the Tulgey Wood. He has the biggest smile on his face. He looks like he just did exactly what he wanted for the longest time. Exactly what he wanted... with her.

Then the curious thing happens, he stops. Stops dead in his tracks and his smile falls. He's staring at something I can't see. When the scene finally focuses, I see them. The girl Lillith and a boy kissing passionately against a tree.

That must be the shoe salesman's son.

I try to grab onto Tarrant to make him look away, but I can't. I can't touch him because it's just a memory. Just a memory I can't erase.

After a few moments, Tarrant finally decides to run. He ran right past them and they don't even stop. They look at him for a couple of seconds then continue exploring each other. While Tarrant runs, and runs until his legs finally give out near the trees I first met Chessur at.

He lands onto his hand, and knees and just cries. He cries, and whales his frustration. I wish I could help him. I wish I could be there for him. Even though it hurt so badly to watch him with... her, I don't want him in pain too. Then he does another curious thing, he stops.

He stops crying and becomes quiet. He slowly lifts his head and that's when I realize his eyes have become orange. "Never again," He swears. "Never will I let a lass like tat' break me heart." Wait! "Never will I let a lass hold me heart as 'er own." Don't promise that! "Never again, will I let d'his 'appen to me."

And that's his final promise. His finally promise that crumbles it all.

I didn't even realize I was back in the room. The room where my heart has officially shattered and my brain... my mind...

"Has official gone beyond repair," I look up to Emiliza and she looks so pleased with her words. She looks so pleased with her work on me. I'm so beyond caring what she thinks right now.

I've watched my friends hate me. I've watched my friends betray me. The worst of all, I've given my heart away just for it to be smashed right in front of me.

I'm done with thinking. I'm done with memories. I'm done.

I hear Emiliza step forward until she's right above me. I can imagine she's smiling that cruel smile of hers.

She says one more thing before I mentally check out, "It is time. Time to get my brother back...Time to return to Underland."

Then emptiness.

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ