I Sacrifice Because The Love I Have Suffices (Two Selfless Leon Moments)

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"Hyung, you'll get cold

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"Hyung, you'll get cold. You have no jacket now." But the elder who genty passed his finger through Jisung's cheeks gave him a small smile. Drawing him nearer, and placing a gentle kiss, even though the light was very felt. Like a guardian angel's kiss, warm through the cold you feel outwards and inside.

"You keep yourself warm. Or at least do wear mine, do it for your hyung." How could he say no? So he nodded gently, warmth enveloping his cheeks as Leon pinched them gently before letting go. Maybe he wanted to talk and be sweet to his hyung a bit more but maybe fate told him his bravery isn't matched up to that or now. Because Leon was whisked away by Hyunjin and Chan, who held onto him insisting that they would keep him warm.

You Can't Help It

Chan knew of the overwhelming space he took in the minds of his members when he couldn't sleep. Even though he was the eldest, he knew they were consumed with ideas on how to convince him to stop the habit of keeping his eyes open at the early hours. And after hearing I.N. expressing his concerns, with a face ready to burst into tears for his pout was heavy and ready to be run over by overflowing water, he needed to sleep.

 expressing his concerns, with a face ready to burst into tears for his pout was heavy and ready to be run over by overflowing water, he needed to sleep

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He had to help himself. But he just couldn't. As if physically impossible to do so even if his eyes wanted to say lights off themselves. His body didn't wish to turn so much because the boys in the same room would hear. They would be even more concerned then.

Before his mind could go further into the burden sleep has brought him into, a knock that was gentle, only his ears meant to pick up, was heard. It was the bed next to his, and with his eyes trying to use the shine of moonlight, he knew it was Leon. The younger boy looked cute in his opinion, his hair was in directions they wouldn't be seen to go to when on camera. But these pictures were preserved for them only.

But besides that, he knew that Leon once had the same problems as him. And had taken Seungmin begging him to sleep for his schedule to slightly progress. Although not perfect still because at nights Chan's studio wished to seek for another noisy venue, he would hear Leon's room whether studio or practice room, was alive. No lights, but hard work heard.

"Hyung, do you want to sleep by me?" His question had caught the older boy off guard. His breath was deciding between a cough and a gasp, that his thinking time was too slow so it decided for him. And he choked on air. The younger boy gently rubbed his hand to Chan's back. Also surprised at the reaction of the leader. "I'm only asking, hyung. Since I know sometimes the maknaes need a presence so near to theirs, so I wonder if you wished to try?"

The older, not wanting to take apart two of embarrassment, had just gotten up and went by Leon's side. The younger immediately moved to make more space, and lying down at his own corner, but not too far apart. Or else the purpose would be rather daft, right?

The older had found himself easily being comfortable with having Leon in the same bed

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The older had found himself easily being comfortable with having Leon in the same bed. His arms even closed the distance, as he gently took Leon's arms and hugged them close to his chest. Also causing the younger boy to draw himself nearer. Now their breaths might be saying the same words and no one would clearly distinguish who.

They did not fall asleep right after, because Chan's tiredness was trying to solve the anxiety and worry that his breath patterned after. "I'm sorry, Leon. I'm keeping you up." But the younger boy sighed in disagreement, pulling Chan's hand closer to where his heart would be felt the most. The lights stole from Chan the moment he could see Leon's smile, and maybe he would curse it. But having his hand feeling each beat Leon's heart took, hoped that maybe it was for him. Why though?

"It's okay, hyung. You can't help it. I wasn't able to at first, but I need you to breathe with the tempo of my heart. As it focuses on you also. If you relax, you'll find the peace to sleep."

His advice was a shot in the dark, but it was aimed at the night sky. Wishing among the stars, for one of them to even grant Chan the rest. It might not hit the moon, that would've knocked them all out like lights. But the stars were powerful also, eventually granting both boys rest.


Author: You believe you're selfish because you went for your dreams. But how come you can confidently say you know how to be selfless with the boys?

Leon: I'm confident in that because I know that I'd be who they need me to be. I'll take the sacrifices because I can take those. I sacrifice because the love (I have for them) suffices. And loving, and choosing love is not being who they need. But who they need you to be. And I know my place that resides within them, making me just know.

A/N: Hello! It's a short chapter because school seems like forcing a semester to a month and a week. So it's hectic but we're fine.

I wanted to thank everyone for your votes, comments, messages, adds to your reading lists, follows, and all support you send my way. I am very grateful. 

I do admit, I'm curious about how I am viewed with the basis of how I write hence me asking questions. Last week I asked how old I am, and I'm around 17 to 20 years old. No more and no less. I also mean my age for 2021.

More chapters are coming your way but the flow is a bit slower. Yet promise after April 16th, we would be fine and then I'll have one factor out of my schedule for a few months at least. That's all for now. Bye-bye! - Aid

 Bye-bye! - Aid

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