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2 years later

"Ahaha Soyeon I'm panicking help help, oh my god I'm going to faint ah um oh shit"

"Calm down y/n-ah, you're marrying the man you love the most in a matter of minutes, I remember last year when Jungkook and I got married.......I was so nervous but when I saw his loving expression I felt at ease, and so will you"

Soyeon tried calming me down, I was absolutely shitting myself, 2 kids and an awaiting soon-to-be husband waiting at the ceremony hall.

My parents walked in to only start bawling their eyes out the second they saw me.

"Oh, my beautiful princess, look at you all decked up.........oh you kids grow too fast, it feels like yesterday you were walking around in your-"

I quickly hush my mother from embarrassing me anymore, "Aish, Eomma! Stop you are going to make me cry now"

I linked arms with my dad and Soyeon handed me my bouquet of white roses.

Ever since Jungkook and Soyeon got married, Soyeon and I are like sisters.


As much as I hated Maya for what she did, I still wished she was here with me right now, but I consider Soyeon as a little sister, she has been nothing but sweet, kind, and just always there when Jimin decides to piss me off.

"Hey, hey y/n look at me.... you are going to be simply fine.... Now get out there and own that aisle Sista" Soyeon said giving me a boost in confidence.

I smiled back at her and hugged her giving a peck on the cheek.

Just then Jungkook walked in and saw embraced me in a hug. Yes, he is my ex but let's be real it was 5 years ago, we will forever be best friends regardless of the obstacles that come in our path.

"Seriously y/n? Look at you, you haven't even walked down the aisle yet and you're going to be a crying mess before you go halfway"

"Yahh, shut up coconut head" I punch his shoulder

"Heyyyy, I got a new haircut, don't I look more handsome?" He asks with pride.

"Yes of course you do, but today is about Jimin and y/n, not you honey" Soyeon said to Jungkook while holding his face in her hands.

"You still look like a coconut to me hahahahahahah" I giggle at him while he scowls at me.

"Whatever it's not like you looks better now cause you're all decked up as a bride........remember y/n I have known you for years, I know exactly what you look like barefaced 24/7-

"Yeah, and so do I and she look amazing either way now, enough of your bickering and let's go........coconut head" Soyeon snapped at Jungkook making him pout.

"Ah y/n....look what you made my sweet Soyeon call me"

"Jungkook.......ZIP IT"

"Okay okay, you're going to make me deaf, you banshee"

The large double doors opened and the light from the stained-glass shown through.

Jungkook walked Soyeon down the aisle as she was my maid of honour, followed by the remaining bridesmaids.

The aisle was decked with red and pink roses by our little daughter Sierra who was all dolled up in her pink and white puffy dress.

"Eomma!! What you are waiting for come on! Appa and oppa are waiting!!"

We all laugh in unison at her adorable little words and exclaims.

My dad then proceeds to walk me down the aisle, I hold onto my bouquet tightly and when I glanced up only to see the love of my life in tears, all decked up in his wedding suit. His used to be blonde hair, now black and swept back.

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