Chapter 1: The Fairy and the Basilisk

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"How old are you?" the woman wanted to know.


She chuckled and brought her hand to her lips. "Oh, the joys of being a tween. Remember, little one, if you're going to explore this forest, then you need to watch out for the Green Guardian."

A question mark appeared over Sam's head. "The Green Guardian? What's the Green Guardian?" he asked as he slipped his sketchbook into the leather satchel he wore over his shoulder. He shivered when a zephyr rushed through the area.

The woman came within reach of him. She smiled sweetly and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "The Green Guardian is a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation in Paperblank Village, my home. She's said to be a fairy, and she watches over the forest day after day, night after night."

Sam found himself drowning in his curiosity. "Really? A fairy?" He brushed the dirt off his short-sleeved, white shirt and olive-green pants.

Nodding, the young woman peered up at the trees. "Yes. She revives plants and animals who have fallen ill, but she also has the power of time travel."

The concept of time travel fascinated Sam. He always wondered if it was real. It turned out it was. A grin stretched across his young face.

"But beware," said the girl. "If the Guardian sings, then she can take you on a trip through time. In case that happens, use this."

Sam noticed her reaching into the pocket of her dress. "What is that?" he asked.

The girl pulled a small, white pebble from her dress and offered it to him.

He happily accepted it. The pebble was one of the most beautiful stones ever. Its skin was smooth, like the ones found on the bottom of a clear river. A rainbow shimmered inside it. He examined the pebble up and down.

"This is the Guardian's pebble," explained the young woman. "It's connected to her and will free anyone who ever finds themselves trapped in time."

"How did you get it?"

The girl wasn't too eager to share that part of the story. "My point is, just be careful."

Sam, who never pressured people into sharing life experiences, nodded and said, "Don't worry. I will. Thanks for the warning, miss."

"You may call me Autumn."

Sam's smile grew. "Autumn. I'm Sam." He offered Autumn his hand.

She took it and gave it a small shake.

Afterward, the boy turned on his heel. He passed Autumn and headed for a deeper section of the forest... one full of tightly clustered trees.

Autumn moved her picnic basket over to her other elbow and watched him. "Oh, Sam," she called, "if you have time, try some of the Paperblank Forest's berries. They're delicious."

Sam paused briefly to hear her out. Just at the mention of food, his tummy rumbled. "Mmm, that sounds like fun. I'll make sure to bring you some, miss."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"No, I want to. It's the least I can do to thank you for that warning."

Blushing, Autumn reached for her cheek. "You're sweet."

Sam giggled. "Thanks. My parents tell me that, too. Well, nice to meet you, Autumn."

The Green GuardianOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant