how to apply winged liner

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Hi I'm abby, lisasimpson__1999 and here's a eyeliner tutorial.
I have always loved the look of a crisp, black wing, but I could never seem to get it quite right; I always looked like I had a runaway checkmark cowering on my eye. It just never looked like that bold, flowing line that my non-hooded-eyed compatriots could achieve.

But since I’m stubborn, I knew there had to be a way to make winged liner look good on my hooded eyes. After lots of trial and error, I’ve figured out the trick to making my wings like perfect little angel wings, and not checkmarks, every single time.

To see how I apply my winged liner to my hooded eyes check out the photos below

To see how I apply my winged liner to my hooded eyes check out the photos below

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It's really simple, just needs some practice. Let me know In the comments how you put eyeliner your way!!!

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