〜 chapter 16 〜

Start from the beginning

The pixie besides me said, clapping her hands slightly before she seemed to remember something and turned to Venti.

"Oi, tone-deaf bard! Why do you even want humans to help you? I mean, you are the Anemo-Archon Barbatos. I'm sure you could handle this yourself somehow"

Paimon suddenly said, reminding me of the bitter truth.

I signed tu myself, now remembering this little problem again

"Paimon... why can't I just have a moment of peace?"

I thought, now feeling kinda guilty again because I knew the unavoidable truth.

Slightly shaking my head because of the thought, I turned my attention back to Venti who was now explaining why he wanted our help.

I didn't really heard the first part of his speech because of my thoughts but he then talked about something like him being the weakest of the 7 Archons out there.

"With such a god, I am not sure to either laugh or cry..."

Diluc silently commented with an unreadable expression on his face. I just slightly chuckled at this.

"But anyway, back to the topic. We spotted a few abyss mage in the area around the winery"

The red-head then said, lowering his arms again.

"We can't let them escape"

Was all the acting grandmaster had to say before we made our way to the place where the abyss mage were spotted.

We went along the river and in the distance, I could already see the Cryo and Hydro creatures.

To be honest, the two in combo were the worst thing ever. Every time I would fight them, I would get frozen and it triggered me.

I drew my sword and got ready to fight them the moment Diluc would destroy there shields because obviously, we others would take years. We all were sword users, with exception of Venti who was using a bow but that didn't made it any better. So Diluc had to do the hard work.

I knew that Dliuc must be strong but as he somehow summoned a Phoenix ( is it a Phoenix? Idk it looks like a Phoenix to me ) made of fire with his Pyro vision, I was stunned.

Particularly because he somehow managed to break there shields at once with just one attack.

So what did we learn? Never ever make Diluc angry.

After that, we quickly made our way over and finished them off with ease.

„Huh, what was this?"

Venti asked as we finished the cryo abyss mage off.

„There was a certain energy that disbursed from the cryo abyss mage... it seems like it was used to cut the connection between me and Dvalin"

He said, pausing for a moment before he turned to me and Aether

„Do you guys know of Stormterror's lair?"

He asked. The blonde-Head besides me then nodded

„I heard in Mondstadt of it"

He said, looking at the bard.

I didn't had a clue what or where it was. Very helpful ( Y/N ), very helpful...

„If I may ask... why didn't we get ther before...? I mean... we stole the holy lyre in terms to summon Dvalin. Why didn't we just went to, well, his lair...?"

I said, kinda confused and unsure of the reason why we couldn't went there before. I mean, maybe it has a good reason.

But Venti just stood there, sheepishly smiling at me.

„Ehm... well that's because... Anyway! We don't have all day, lets go, lets go!"

The bard said, turning around and going in some direction in a slightly fast pace.

I signed to myself but made my way after him, the others following close behind.

I signed to myself but made my way after him, the others following close behind

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Here I am again! And with a slightly longer chapter.

Hope you are doing well and had / have a good day 🤍

Hoped you enjoyed reading <3

~ Author-Chan

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