Zekaj usually shaved his face when he needed to and Hunter would trim Zekaj's beard when he needed to. Hunter was the one who made him ditch the thick chin strap for a simple beard. He looked a lot nicer with the beard.

Hunter wanted to shave but he didn't have the energy to keep himself supported.

The mage turned to leave the bathroom when something caught his eye in the mirror. Or something that should've caught his eye, didn't.

Zekaj's mark was gone. Where the bite mark usually rested, was bare skin. Well slightly irritated skin from the looks of it, but the bite was gone.

Hunter then remembered watching the golden string that connected to turn black and snap. It explained why he didn't feel as bad as he did when Zekaj ran too far from him, it explained why his parents didn't even realize he was mated to someone when they were healing him.

Their bond had snapped.

He couldn't help but collapse to the ground and against the wall crying. Hunter sobbed into his hands before trying to summon the same powers that showed the bond physically to him.

Hunter watched as a glowing black thread flowed from his chest into his hands before going limp at the end.

The bond looked dead, but Hunter chose not to think that way. The bond to him was simply broken and it'd be repaired when he was back with Zekaj. The two could just reconnect it and it'd glow gold again. Zekaj could then re-mark him, which knowing the demon he would want to do ASAP. Hunter wasn't sure if this was even true, he just had to hope for the best.

The crying mage jumped when he heard a knock at the bathroom door.

"Hunter? Are you in there? Are you alright?" His father said from the other side of the door.

It was then that Hunter realized he never locked the door as his dad opened it up and saw him curled up against the wall.

Hunter looked up at his father who stared down at him.

"Oh Hunter, it's all over now," His father said, leaning down and scooping his son in his arms. "We'll get you healed up and we can leave this all behind us."

Jaxon carried his son to his room and set him down gently in the bed. Hunter's father grabbed a yellow paste from the bedside table and slowly unwrapped some of his son's bandages.

The impact point was the worst spot. It was right in the middle of Hunter's chest and the mage hissed as his father began gently rubbing the cream on him.

"It's not the most effective thing but it'll work," Jaxon sighed.

Hunter thought about it and wondered why his mom wasn't healing him instead. It was her specialty and he wouldn't need this medicine on him.

"Where's mom?" Hunter asked. Truthfully he didn't care, he was just curious.

"Your mom is staying with her parents for a while," Jaxon answered. "You don't need to worry about her."

Hunter didn't say anything, just laid in bed and listened to his own thoughts. It was lonely in his head without Zekaj.

"How long?" Jaxon said.

Hunter perked up and replied, "Huh?"

"How long did that demon have a hold on you?" Jaxon asked in more detail.

Hunter thought about it, should he lie? Play dumb?

"I don't know," Hunter decided to do both.

"Hmm," was all Jaxon responded with.

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