Chapter 24~Collab

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[A/N: OMG I AM SORRY FOR MY HIATUS!!! I'M BACK BB!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND I'M SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK SO LONG!! I was having trouble writing this chapter and I pretty much gave up on it so I'm sorry for the pitiful welcome back. And can I just say holy shit- 25k reads and 700 votes. What the fuck? I left at 5k reads and now it's over 20k more?!?!? I LOVE ALL OF YOU SOO MUCH!! I literally started crying seeing all the support!! Please enjoy this long awaited but shit chapter ~Author]

Word count: 1640


~September 27, Sunday, 12:34 pm~

Clay was out shopping right now. Since the phone incident, I haven't gone to the grocery store with him once. I know it's irrational, it's not like an attempted theft will happen every time I go there, I just haven't felt like dealing with it if it were to happen again.

But I was usimg Clay's absence as a time to work on my song. I didn't want to spoil anything for Clay, so my plan was to do it while he was out of the house. I had my acoustic guitar with me and I was planning out chords. For the hard copy I was going to play piano. I don't really know how to play, so it will just be really basic background music and it'll be kind of quiet. It'll match the vibe of the song though, so I'm fine with it.

I sing a few lines that I've come up with and strum slowly, trying to figure out the flow. "The summer night, the fading lights."

I hear the click of the front door so I quickly push my notepad underneath my bed and sit on the floor with my guitar, lightly singing a totally different and random song.

Clay opens my door and smiles at me. He holds up a bag full of groceries and says, "I got you your list of things for your baking stream."

"Oh, thank you!" I smile up to him and place my guitar on the stand I have for it in the corner of my room. I get off the floor and go to the kitchen with Clay to help him put the groceries away.

"So," Clay broke the silence. "I was wondering if you'd want to do a collab with me, Sapnap, George, and BadBoyHalo?"

"Oh? You mean the people I crushed in bedwars?" I say, putting cake frosting in the refrigerator.

Clay chuckled. "Yes. Those people. "

"Well that's embarrassing." I chuckle behind my hand finding myself funny.

Clay rolled his eyes at me. "You're still not over that?"

"Why would I be?" I smirked back a cocky smile while refilling our fruitbasket.

"Whatever," Clay sighed out, shaking his head. "So do you want to do the collab?"

"Why not? I'd like to make more friends in the streamer community anyways." I say nonchalantly.

"Alright, cool!" Clay said, nodding his head. He had just put the last things in the pantry and put the bags into a little box of other bags to get reused at somepoint in time. "Are you cool to record at 3 pm?"

"Mhm, sure." I say, spinning around the room. I sit down on the couch. "Mind telling me what the collab is about?"

"Oh yeah," Clay sat down next to me. "So it's a minecraft manhunt. Basically, I'll be trying to beat the ender dragon and you and three others will be hunting me down and trying to kill me before I kill the dragon."

"Ohh," I say nodding my head attentively. "That sounds cool. I'm up for it."

"Great, I'll message the others on that discord channel that we have already for the four of us. And I'll add Bad to it as well." Clay stood up and went to his room.

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