Chapter 22~Fall Leaves

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[A/N: Okay, break from Dream SMP and more fluff as I promised!!! Also I am from Canada(eh) so I'm sorry if I get things incorrect like what times leaves start to turn colour in the states. Much thank to @_lifenotfound_ for the follow <3 Enjoy reading~author :) ]

Word count: 2066


~September 23, Wednesday, 1:04 pm~

I was so drained from yesterday's stream so I was sitting in my bed scrolling through my twitter feed. I was so happy about some of the animations and fan art of my character teaming with Schlatt and Quackity, and then drawing in Tubbo. My community was so talented and kind and I'm so grateful to have them.

I hear my stomach grumble and I swung my legs over the edge of my bed. I stretch my arms into the air and let out a big sigh. I turned to face my window and saw the trees out front of the apartment complex. The leaves were all starting to turn warm colours of red and yellow. I smiled at the sight.

Autumn was always my favourite season. When I was younger I'd sit outside in a warm sweater with a book and a guitar by a tree and watch as the leaves would fall gently to the ground below. It was always just so pretty to see.

Although when I moved to the old house with my mother, I stopped going since she didn't like me leaving and there was no nice parks around anyways.

It would be cool to continue the old tradition. I thought to myself. Maybe I'll ask Clay to join me. I'll pick up a new book as well, since all my old books are still at Mother's.

I stand up hearing my stomach interrupt my thoughts. I go into the kitchen and grab an energy bar from the pantry and an apple fron the fruit basket in the center of the island. I take a bite of the apple and take a seat on the sofa, placing the energy bar on the sidetable. Patches came in the living room and slowly approached me.

"Hey, Patches!" I say in a high pitched voice while I patted my leg. "Patches, you pretty girl, come here."

Patches rubbed up against my lower leg and softly purred. I picked her up and set her down in my lap, scratching behind one of her ears. Patches sniffed the apple in my opposite hand, curious as to what it is.

"Patches, not for you, sorry sweetie." I booped Patches on the nose and in return she blinked and one of her ears twitched. I let out a light chuckle and took another bite. "Hey, pretty girl, do you think Clay would want to go on a picnic?"

Surprisingly, Patches purred.

"You think so?" I lightly stroked the top of Patches' head. "That's good. I'll ask soon."

I finished my apple and bar and headed out to the public library. I gave Clay a quick text when I arrived to let him know that got here safely since I wanted to walk in the nice weather.

I walked in and I could smell the scent of wood and old paper, along with slight vanilla. I looked over to the checkout desk and saw the vanilla candles. The smell of it all had a special nostalgia feeling. A feeling I've felt for many years.

The old shop lady greeted me at the front door, she knew me by name since I came here quite often.

"Ah, Y/N! Hello!" The lady waved at me and smiled. The roots of her hair were turning gray and she was wearing a purple dress. Her hands were starting to get wrinkly, but they were always soft. "Is there anything you're looking for?"

"Hello, Nan." I say to her as I look at sone of the books on the cart beside her. Her name was Nancy, but she let me call her 'Nan' since it was close to Nanny, and she treated me like her own granddaughter. "Not today, I was hoping to find a fall book. Something I could read outside in the leaves."

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