Chapter 6~The Boys

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[A/N: OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Everyday this story gets more and more votes and people adding it to their reading lists! I am so happy that you guys are enjoying my writing! Also shoutout to @Dragonsnests for being so kind, this chapter is for you :D]

Word count: 1720


~September 5, Wednesday, 10:34 am~


Clay kept stern eye contact. He nodded. I on the other hand stood their in shock. My hands that once hung limp by my sides now covered my mouth which hung open. I couldn't say anything. I just stared in disbelief.

I tried to make out a few words. "Dream. You? You've done so much for me." I accidentally started rambling, tears pricking at my eyes. "First you save me, then you house me, and now your giving me followers on like every platform ever..."

Clay got up and walked over to me. He rested his hand on my shoulder. He still kept the eye contact, it calmed me down a little bit but I still continued rambling.

"You've done too much for me. I'm still basically a stranger and at that I'm not even a decent human being. Clay you don't have to do this!" A tear rolled down my cheek.

Clay reached his hand up to my face and lightly placed it on my cheek. He was so gentle. He swiped the tear away with his thumb. "It's alright, Y/N. You deserve everything and more. I'm not doing it out of pity either." Clay smiled his gorgeous smile at me.

I didn't know what to do. I usually don't initiate hugs, but this time I had to. I needed comforting and it seemed like Clay was the only person in this whole world who can do that. I wrapped my arms around his back and and put my face in his chest. He flinched at first but then put his arms around my back. He rubbed my back calming me down easily. Clay rested his chin on my head.

I left the hug and turned around to go into my room. I partially closed the door pausing about two thirds of the way. I whisped out loud enough for Clay to hear me, "Thank you, Clay. You really are the best friend I've ever had." I shut the door completely and fell onto my bed face first. I heard shuffling outside my door, presuming that Clay had left me to give me space.

I sighed, rolled over and sat up. I blushed a violent shade of red replaying the scene that had just happened in my mind. I hugged Clay. I called Clay a friend. What am I even thinking, I'm just a person he's letting stay over for a few nights before tossing me back to my mom. I sat in silence for about 15 minutes letting my face tune back down to it's natural colour. I sighed again before hearing a knock at my door. "Come in, Clay."

Clay then opened the door and smiled. "Hey. Wanna meet the guys?" I tilted my head to the side not really knowing who he meant. I assumed it was some of his minecraft friends. He obviously saw the confusion on my face. "Their some of my YouTube friends."

I shrugged and stood up following Clay to his set up in the living room. He pulled a chair over and put it next to his. He adjusted his microphone so that it was in between both of us and could pick up both our voices.

Clay put on his set of headphones and said, "Hey guys I'm back." I couldn't hear what the people were saying but I imagined that they were saying their hellos back. I looked at Clay's second moniter to see who was in the call. Three people were in the call, including Clay, or Dream I guess. I read the other two names. GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap. Clay spoke again. "Hey, do you guys wanna meet my roommate?" He paused again. "Alright let me hand them the headphones."

Clay took off his headset and handed them to me with a smile. I placed them over my ears and heard two male voices speaking. "Hello?" I say not wanting to interrupt their conversation. I glance over at Clay, he gives me another reassuring smile.

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