Chapter 18~Phone

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First; Author has made a mistake with the dates, they are like 3 days off of what they should actually be. For example, in the last chapter I put the 11 on a Tuesday where it is supposed to be a Friday. SO *clears throat* in this chapter I will be doing a time skip, and I will be correcting the dates and we will pretend that it all lines up. Capeesh? Capeesh(lolol it's a funny word).

Second; I want to try and write some scenes in minecraft realistic-like. Obviously they know it's a game in there, but I just want to add more detail, like sitting down or appearances on skins. And keep in mind it's not all scenes, just a few I think would put more interest into the story than 'a character shifted' or 'punched in a direction'.

Third; I MUST SAY I DO NOT HAVE AN EMAIL ATTACHED TO MY ACCOUT, SO I CANNOT REPLY BUT I DO READ EVERYONE'S COMMENTS AND THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY! I do encourage you to comment because they make me laugh and motivate me to keep writing this book! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Special shout to @Bubbl3sB, I am so glad that I could inspire you to write your own book and hopefully I can inspire others! Thank you so much for all the support you give me! Consider me your biggest fan :)

Finally; OVER 2k READS GUYS! HOW? THANK YOU THANK YOU! And please remember to vote if you can, it helps me out a lot!

Okay, you may now read the story, thank you to the people who stopped to read this, and if you didn't....I hope both sides of your pillow are warm at night😈]

Word count: 2516 (including A/N because you should read it)


~September 20, Sunday, 4:37 am~

It was dark outside, yet I still had decided to stay up. I was sat at my desk, the only thing illuminating my room was my computer screen and the dim blue LED's on behind my set up. I was aware that I had stayed up late hours into the night, but I wasn't sure how late it actually was. Whenever my eyes started getting droopy, I'd walk into the kitchen and grab another monster. I didn't even care what flavour anymore, just a monster.

I was playing on the SMP alone this night, no one else had logged on since 9 pm. I didn't want anyone knowing what I was doing, so I left it until last minute. I was currently digging a massive pit underneath my base. It was about 200 by 200 by 200 blocks. It was a nightmare project, but it had to be done.

The night before I had done the exact same thing. I went late into the nightly hours grinding on the Dream SMP. Except yesterday, it was mining obsidian. I didn't stream any of this either, I didn't want my viewers to know what I was up to.

Although, on my 'Saturday Stream' earlier, I did get a tons of worried viewers, they couldn't see my bags since they were covered in make-up, but they could tell that my energy was drained. I shrugged them off and had told them I didn't sleep well.

I remembered the events that happened during the stream. Not a single one of the viewers knew what was happening behind the scenes, or why this particular person was on the server.

I had been sat on the podium built outside the L'manburg walls. I was waiting there for what felt like hours, and it had already become night. It was dark and the sky was filled with bright stars. Otherwise, it was dark on the land and mobs had begun to come from their hiding places during the day. I had a singular lamp that I placed down beside me to keep me warm and light the area around me.

I was about to leave until the man himself had finally shown up. The man I was supposed to be working with if he won the election that was being held in less than 24 hours. See, the viewers didn't know about the script that had been written, but Quackity had told the man my plan and we organized a meet up. He stepped out of the shadows and into the light. He had a black suit and tie and his black hair was gelled into place. Very professional, but then I noticed the ram horns that curled around his ears and his slim, dark eyes.

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