Chapter 12~Sleeping

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[A/N: Okay, thank you guys so much for being patient with me. Being back at school makes it harder to find time to upload, but I'm working with what I got. Thank you everyone who comments, I love reading them and thank you so much for all the support! TW;CUTENESS!]

Word count: 2132


~September 8, Saturday, 4:12 pm~

Clay and I have just arrived back home from Chibi's Boba.  It was early and I was already tired, mostly from the stream I did earlier today.  "Hey, Clay." He hummed in response. "Thank you for bringing me to get boba, it was fun!"

"Of course!" Clay set down his wallet on the kitchen counter and sat down on the sofa in the living room. "I enjoyed it aswell."

"Alright, I'm going to get washed up." I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of pyjamas and self care products.  I stepped into the guest bathroom and turned the lock.  I looked at myself in the mirror and locked eyes with my reflection.  I thought over the events of today and pulled off my sweater and pulled down my skirt.  I took off my undergarments and put them in a neat pile on top of the closed toilet lid.

I turn the handle of the fossett and hot water starts running and pouring into the tub.  I put in the plug and reach to my side to grab a bubble bath solution.  I open it up and squeeze some of the liquid into the tub, instantly forming into bubbles.  I turn the fossett back off once the tub is full.  I press play on my playlist, music starting to blast from my phone. I slide into the tub, feeling all my muscles relax instantaneously.  I closed my eyes and propped my arms up on the edge of the bathtub.  I sigh out loud and peer over to the mirror. 

The daisies.  My cheeks felt on fire, I couldn't tell if it was because of the hot water or if it was because I was feeling sick.  I sink down further into the tub until the water is just below my eyes and bridges over my nose.  I probably need more sleep.  I haven't had a good sleep schedule in over a year. Ever since- that day. I feel cold shivers run down my spine, giving me goose bumps in the warm water. To get that topic off my mind I decide to just let my mind wander off, not thinking about anything in particular. I hum to the songs that are playing in the background.

I should get on the SMP tomorrow. It'd be cool to meet some of the other players, not all at once though. If that happens, I might as well just have a heart attack. Maybe I'll gift everyone a present. What would they not have though that I do? A flower might work, a daisy maybe? Daisies... The word gave me butterflies in my stomach. I put my hand on my cheek, feeling it heat up as well. Okay never mind, daisies are not a good idea.

After about half an hour of sitting in the tub I hear a knock on the door. I hear Clay call, "Hey, I ordered pizza! Come on out whenever!"

"Alright! Thankyou!" I was about to get out anyways. I scoot to the other side of the tub and unplug it, letting the water start to drain. I carefully stood up not wanting to slip. I look over at the door and realize that I didn't bring or ask for any towels. Fuck. Sorry, Clay. I'm gonna have to ask. I yell out, "Hey, Clayyyy!" Dragging out the 'y'. "I forgot a couple towels! Do you mind bringing me some?" I heard shuffling outside the door. When I heard the knock I hid myself behind the door and opened it a crack. A hand stuck in with two folded mint green towels. "Thank you!" I say while taking them out of his hand and shutting the door.


"Hey, Clayyyy!" I heard Y/N yell from the bathroom. "I forgot a couple towels! Do you mind bringing me some?" I felt my face turn pink. I didn't respond to Y/N but got up to do it anyways. I reached in the closet and pulled out two mint green towels. One was smaller and they were both equally as soft. My mom brought these towels over for her when she came to visit. She was always supplying me with my needs, like how she buys my shampoo because I have not a clue what to buy. [A/N: DREAM HAS ADMITTED TO THIS ON STREAM AND I THOUGHT IT WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS SO I JUST HAD TO ADD IT IN!]

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