Chapter 9~Stream(Part 1)

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[A/N: Hey! I know I literally just did a song lyric chapter but I love writing them so ugh- yeah! Also it's for plot development and this really cool idea I've had for so long and have never seen anyone do before(at least from what I've seen) >:3 I have put an easter egg in Chapter 5~Names....if you can find it good job]

Word count: 1735


~September 8, Saturday, 7:21 am~

I have been awake for an hour already.  I had been catching up on all my social medias since yesterday I didn't check once.  I looked out in front of me to see my pc set up.  I think I'll stream today.  Especially since I haven't missed a Saturday stream in 7 months.  And Clay did say that I could stream whenever, as long as I'm not being too loud if he's filming.  I start typing out a tweet and read it over before sending it.


AllSmiles @AllSmiles_lol・4s
Hey guys! Y'know how I said I was going on a family trip? I actually moved in with a dear friend of mine! I'm not telling you who tho😼 And I am streaming later today at 12pm EST!

Don't forget to turn those frowns upside downs amd I'll hopefully see you later!


I smiled and clicked off to get ready for today. I put on a pastel pink sweater with my logo on the chest. I put on a white, pleated skirt and added a white clip into my hair, holding one side of my bangs behind my ear. I went into the bathroom, peering at myself. I did my makeup look, copying exactly what I always do, the eyeliner, the blush, the heart under one eye. I stared into my own eyes and smiled. This'll be the first stream in a week. I can't wait to say hello to everyone today!

I do the rest of my daily things like eating breakfast in the kitchen and scrolling on my phone on the sofa in the living room. Clay walks out and and smiles at me. "Hey! I saw your tweet."

"What about it? Is it okay for me to stream today?" I say turning around, one arm resting on the back of the couch, looking over in Clay's direction. I see Clay's face quickly turn away. I swear I see his face turn pink.

"Oh, not at all." Clay waved his hands in the air and paused. "I was ugh- I was just wondering if I could make an appearance in your stream?"

"Awe, for sure!  I was going to do a singing stream, but I guess we could play some good old minecraft!" I reply, smiling.  To be honest, I felt like squealing like a ten year old girl who's crush just looked at her.  I can't believe it! I'm actually going to have "The Dream" on my stream.

Clay walked over to me. "No, no, you can still sing.  I just wanna pop into a call at some point so that they don't know we're living together."

"Alright! That works with me!"  I smile and turn back around to face my phone.  I see the time displayed in the top left corner. "Well, I guess I'll go get prepped for the stream.  Since it's the first one I want to make sure all my stuff works."

"Okay, have a good stream.  I'll text aroud 1." Clay said as I stood up.  I nod and walk into my room, the smile from before still plastered on my face.

I turn on my monitors and open up twitch on the second one.  I pull up YouTube on the first so I can search up karaoke versions of songs my stream wants me to sing. I hover the mouse over the "Go Live" button. Deep breath. And I click. My "Stream Starting Soon" page pops up as I see my viewer count pile up. I've never had it go up this much before, next thing I know, the viewer count is at 10k. I quickly title the stream, "Singing songs you suggest, plus a special guest later on". I sit down in my chair and lean into my microphone.

Dream of MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang