Chapter 13~Joining L'manburg

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[A/N: OMGOMG 1K READS! YOU GUYS ARE INSANE! Thank you, thank you FallenAngel_Mizuki for all the votes! It's very much appreciated! Okay! Have a good day!]

Word count: 2184


~September 9, Sunday, 12:22 pm~

"Hey clippers, make sure to clip this! Okay 3, 2, 1!"

Two very British voices spoke.

"Oi, when do you think they'll join?"

"She better join fuckin' fast or I'm gonna-"

I cut off the boys sentence before he could finish. "Hello, I'm already here." I was a bit nervous so I spoke a little quieter.

"HOLY SHIT, WOMAN!" The angry child yelled.

"Oh, nice to meet you, too." I rolled my eyes.

Then the sweet voice said, "Ello! I'm Tubbo! Don't mind Tommy."

I smiled a bit. "Hello Tubbo! How are you today?"

"I'm great, thank you! What about you?" Tubbo was very kind. I like him. [A/N: NOT A SHIP! TUBBO AND TOMMY ARE MINORS! CHILL!]

Tommy spoke up. "HEY! What's your opinion on women?"

"I- ugh..." I muted my mic on discord to speak to chat. "How do I answer that?" I unmuted again. "Well, I guess I am one soo... Pog?"

"Good, good! Now who's your favourite woman?" Tommy asked another question.

"I- I don't know-" I then remembered the joke he had going on. "Um.. The queen I guess."

"Ah, so your a cultured one." Tommy got really close to his mic.

Tubbo and I started laughing nonstop. After we settled down I said out inbetween chuckles, "Well, yeah.  I still consider Elizabeth my queen."

Tubbo piped in, "Wait- I thought you were American-"

"No, no. I just live in America. I'm actually from Canada. Y'know so Queen Elizabeth is still our queen." I laugh at the thought that everytime I meet someone they think I'm American.

"You saying you're not American gains my respect for you. WELCOME TO THE SERVER SMILES!" Tommy shouted.

I laughed at the child. "Thank you, Tommy.  I'm glad to be here."

Tubbo asked, "Hey! I heard you wanted to join L'manburg!"

"WAIT REALLY!" Tommy was just never ending on the screams.

I nodded my head even though they couldn't see, unless they have my stream pulled up I guess. "Mhm."

"That's great! We'll give you a tour!" Tubbo said, I heard clicking from his side of the call.

Tommy said, "Don't we have to ask Wilbur first?"

"Nah, we'll tell him later!" Tubbo answered. "So where are you, Smiles?"

"Oh, I'm kind of near the wall. I'm next to a tall mountain in the birch forest!" I said using optifine to zoom in on the L'manburg walls.  I saw two figures walk out of the walls in matching outfits.

"I think I know which way that is." Tommy punched the air in my direction. "Tubbz follow me!"

Once I gathered up all my items, I met them half way there in the forest.  I spammed shift on my keyboard to quickly crouch and uncrouch to greet the two boys.

"Thanks for the tour!" I say as we enter the walls. We walk around, stopping every now and again so they can explain a few things.

"Take off your armor! We have a strict no armor policy in L'manburg!" Tommy said, before going quiet in the call.

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