V16 - Chapter 195 Battleplans

Start from the beginning

Regardless of Gummus motives, he has brought a large portion of his army to the Dumas Mountains, and they have significantly helped. The Ticaret specialize in defensive warfare, and the goal of the Dumas line is to prevent NATO from striking Sadera. As long as the enemy cannot take the city, there is hope.

Famulis convinces herself that she should be happy about this. Her army from the east is arriving; another eighteen kingdoms, city-states, and vassals are fighting. The Elies theater is surprisingly holding the line, and the Dumas theater is putting up a good fight. The Imperial Army is not the same one from last year, they learned. However, despite all of that, she is now just not as hopeful she was before as the war progresses.

"I cannot believe this," Zorzal angrily mumbles. "That plan was perfect. How were we defeated?"

"How could you let my wife die?" Moon said, anger seeping into his voice.

"Calm down, Moon," Famulis said. "The Emperor did not let your wife die. She wanted to be there. It was Pina who killed her."

Moon takes a deep breath. "I want them dead. I want all of them dead! That bastard Diabo dared outsmart me, and that whore Pina dared taking away my Polita!"

"At least you took his hand," Darkchin said.

Zorzal stops and places both his hands on Moon's shoulders. "Trust me brother. If it is the last thing I do, we will burn Sharpe, Pina, and Diabo alive. Trust me, they will pay for this. Your wife will be avenged."

Hearing her husband say that frustrated her. She cannot get what that blue hair girl called Lelei said. She thought she had a good understanding of the enemy's capabilities, but she assumed wrong. While still a rookie, Lelei has taken magic to a new level, and if it ever becomes normalized, it will change the balance of power when it comes to magic.

However, the realization that Earth has mages too. If correct, then why haven't they employed them in the war? Did Lelei mean they were using mages from Rondel to NATO's side like her? If that were true, she would have heard about it by now.

"You think they will pay?" Famulis said. "We are mustering all of Falmart might, and yet they can raid our capital at will."

"Your Highness," General of the Imperial Army Woody La Caerellius said. "These raids have proven one thing; their capabilities are not limitless. If they could have taken the city, they would've had by now. They are still subject to the terrain."

"That is true," Torturis added. "We are no longer suffering the losses we did early in the war. "

"High Knight Torturis is correct," Woody continues and then points to the war table. "We have successfully contained the east and west. We have successfully changed our doctrine and we have seen better results."

The Imperial Army Doctrine, Famulis always feared those in the Thirty Year War. The Imperial Army is known to adopt. If they lost a battle, they always came back as a changed army, defeating their opponents. It has always been a strength of theirs however, NATO has proven to be just as adoptive. This war has become less about killing each other and more about out-adopting each other. Whoever wins this will win the war and NATO has the resources, technology, and reserve strength to last.

"And?" Famulis asked, confusing everyone.

"And why?" Zorzal said. "Speak plainly, woman."

Famulis is frustrated. "The city hasn't been invaded because they are not at their full strength. They have mages on their world and have yet to employ them. Remember what your sister said: NATO is holding back the entire time by stating that full strength they can destroy this world with ease. We thought we had time on our site, but we might be able to hold them off now but how much longer can we keep this up. For every one we kill, we lose over a hundred. What would happen when NATO is finally able to mobilize their full strength? Please tell everyone Moon."

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