m y s e l f i e

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authors note: my mom toke my phone away so i couldnt update for moths because she said the phone brainwashes me to be korean and wattpad is a produce of the devil, wtf crazy bitch then she excercised me and burnt my yaoi fanart. i hat her so much, i gotta rune away to korea. ya i no theres a pandeemik out there but carona chan doesnt understand my mom god. i need to pray to my kpop for the way out xxx


Shane pov

I was sitting in my office when suddenly my rite hand man rylan walked in looking worried, more worried than i got when selling my conspiracy ballet and the site was frozen and nobody could buy it and i would not money!

I was sitting in my office when suddenly my rite hand man rylan walked in looking worried, more worried than i got when selling my conspiracy ballet and the site was frozen and nobody could buy it and i would not money!

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"come on ryland spit it out" i say angry and he lookef scared, "well we are down one tracher and a student ran away so our empire is down two people!"

"well who"

"daniel somebody and the gorl you like or something, btw shane i love y-"

i exploded and slapped him, "she got away?! go awy and find her!" she cant leave me, i got the skool in korea just to keep her so she can never leave me! now she went gone! not fair i gotta get her back and rylan will go get her! "its not like i can buy a new kan mi joo! she is unique and not like the other gorls!"

"im sorru master shane" rylan bowed scurred

"nevermin, we will bring the big guns to get her back, in the meentime we need to train the kids to be in our korean mafia to honor my korean dad" i then pocked up a copy of my book that i sold so kids can buy it and be branwashed, "i hate my selfie" was a bestseller in new yorc city state, it was also my signatur weapon as well as my shit was becuz i shit a lot becauss of my problemos when i ate dennys. "now go order me dennys while i plot my evil plans"

"b-but Shane sensei, your tummy gets bad-"

i slummed my fists, "GET ME DENNYS NOW"

so rylan goes to dennys all the way in USA, because there are no sennys in korea, while I wait for him to return from USA, i got my phone out to phone somebody, "heyyyyyy heart emoki" i say "long time no speaky, listen i know you gotta make moneys but we got energency, i nedd your halp again, you gotta cum now"

rylan was takin forever with my dennys fucking bitch so then the door opened with a private jet flying in elegantly, and high heels stepped off it. I knew my big guns had arrived and i smiled kawaii evilly, "yay its you"

it was......





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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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