Mom, it's 7:38pm, we're gonna be late" I said.

"Oh that's silly honey. That's still too early." She said as she tightened my dad's tie.

I sighed as I sat on the dining chair. Sam gave dad his speech to memorize-again, if he won.
A few minutes later and we were off to the Science Award Ceremony.


Friday 8:34pm
After the MC (Master of Ceremonies) finished cracking jokes, talking about other historical scientist's works and lives and many flashes of camera lights in my eyes, he was finally calling out the inventions one after the other for show and giving out awards for each criteria of science. 
Cameramen were everywhere in the grand hall, snapping the inventions, snapping us, snapping the judges.

There were lot of flashes.

All inventions got to be voted on by all the important and crazy-wealthy people on which would go to the finals. And whoever's invention won, would get to put it on sale for many rich people to buy.

Dad's invention and one other Japanese scientist's invention went up to the finals.
Dad was excited.
I wasn't. If my dad won, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

He IS a genius.

I checked my phone.
6 missed calls each from Carol and Nicki.
3 from Jay.
Ugh! I didn't know when Grayson's party would end, and that's what made me so nervous.
What if they'll forgot about me and they thought of me as UNCOOL??!
And I'll feel left out on Monday when everyone will be talking about the party!

The flashing kept turning my eyes blind and it got worse when we had a break. That's when ALL of them swarmed around us and the Japanese scientist with his family. Journalists, news reporters, camera guys... you name it.

I checked my watch. It would soon be 9:00pm.
I sighed with frustration still managing to smile for the cameras. My phone vibrated again and that was the last straw. I tugged at mom's dress. She slightly bent her head down.

Restroom.... NOW!" I whispered into her ear.

She nodded.

I could still hear the MC's voice announcing the break over and ordering everyone to settled back down for the final announcement that will decide the winner of the 'Scientist Of The Decade' award.

The rustles, the laughing, the chatter and the jazz music became faint as I went through the entrance doors, walking down the red carpet, aiming at the limo.
It was locked.

I looked at the golden gate that led the driveway from the road, seeing many chauffeurs and drivers discussing beside it sitting in a circle. I noticed my chauffeur's uniform despite the darkness and walked towards him but was stopped by the call of my name. I turned back but only wished I hadn't.
"My dear Holly, it's so relieving to see you here!"

Percy. Percy McCoy
The very handsome, tall, dark complexioned, pink lipped, curly pink haired son of a rich scientist, who just never seizes to leave me alone, smiled at me showing his perfect row of teeth.
Yes he had the good looks but bad qualities. In short, he was a pervert and a player... and maybe a womanizer.

His younger sister was worse. I'm not going into that story.

"Percy!" I said fake smiling. "How are you? It's been such a long time."

"Indeed you're right. I saw you and just wanted to greet you." He said.

He stared at me for some time. Mostly at my chest, then back to my eyes.
"You look very dashing tonight, Holly. You keep growing beautifully with age."
He chuckled. "I can say the same for your sister."

Oh yeah? Why don't you go date her then?!
"Thank you! You don't look bad yourself." I complimented back.

"Mind if we chat while taking a short walk?" He offered, already taking my hand, steering me away from the way to the chauffeurs.

But I stopped.
"Yes, I DO mind! You see Percy, I'm in a hurry to go somewhere right now." I said hurriedly trying to pry his hands off mine.

"But the ceremony isn't over. It can't be important than this?" He said confused, arching his perfect eyebrow.

"No, really. I have somewhere to go. I'll text you, okay?" I freed myself.

"But you don't answer my texts!" He shouted at me when I started to run towards the chauffeurs.

That's because I changed my number, because of HIM!

This is like the 5th time he tried to get close to me and something tells me, this isn't gonna be the last. That's just the bad side of rich people celebrations. You just end up meeting people you don't like.


Friday 8:49pm

I asked my chauffeur for the keys and then ran back to the limo to take my backpack from the boot.
Giving him back the keys, I instructed him that if anyone asked for me, to tell them that I went back home to check on an important matter. He nodded and left.

I took a different way to the restroom (to avoid Percy) and quickly changed my green dress into a sleeveless velvet gown that reached the top of my knees with a white belt around my waist. I still wore my court shoes but had worn baggy white socks over them.
I topped it with my white jacket because it was so cold outside.

I applied a new layer of cherry flavored lipgloss and dashed out of the restroom.

Getting my hover bike out of it's capsule, I sped to Grayson's house with the help of the address Carol sent to me yesterday.

I felt bad for betraying dad but this is a special event I just can't miss.
I feel like when I get there, I'll stop feeling the guilt.

Words: 1662
I'm satisfied now that I've reached the party chapter. It just means I'm closer to publishing the continuing chapters ahead.
Thanks for reading.

lease vote and give me your comments on this chapter please!

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