Chapter 15

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It took Lady Lucia's prancing toward the meeting room to shift my focus forward. Theodore stood, blocking her way.

"I only wanted to remind the king that he promised to watch our little theatrical," she said in a voice that could leave no listener uncertain as to who was the higher ranked of the two. "I wouldn't want him to miss it and break his promise."

"The king will be more than happy to watch your theatrical after his meeting," Theodore said with bland politeness. "I'll remind him as soon as he becomes available."

"Or I could remind him now. Move aside."

"The king cannot be disturbed."

"What is your name again?"


"I shall be sure to tell the king who forbade me to enter."

"It is your prerogative to do so."

The expansive cleavage on display above Lady Lucia's tight bodice swelled. "I have never experienced such insolence from a servant before. If you were in my household, I would thrash you then dismiss you."

He indicated the door through which they'd entered. "If you wouldn't mind waiting elsewhere. Your voice has a way of piercing through solid doors and we wouldn't want to disturb His Majesty and his advisors."

The feather in her hair shook with her anger. "My lady," she snapped.


"You will address me as Lady Lucia or my lady. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my lady." He bowed low, much lower than necessary, turning deference into mockery.

Lady Morgrave smiled behind her hand. Her mother, Lady Deerhorn, pressed her lips together.

A tall, blond gentleman came forward and grasped Lady Lucia by the shoulders. "Lucia, darling, let's take this opportunity to rehearse one more time. I certainly need it." He steered her away then mouthed "Sorry" over his shoulder to Theodore.

"Her brother, Lord Frederick Whippler," Hammer whispered in my ear.

Theodore gave Lord Frederick a nod. Once they were all gone, he crooked his finger at us to join him. "That went well," Theodore said, eyes flashing in the direction in which the group had left.

"You should be careful, Theo," Hammer said. "She has some influence over the king and may acquire more if he turns his attentions from Miranda to her."

"He has better taste in women than that."

"She's his second favorite."

"That's because he can't see past the two over-inflated charms she manages to thrust in his face at every opportunity. Once he raises his gaze above her chest into her cold eyes he'll see her for the wasp she is."

"As long as he doesn't get stung first."

Theodore turned to me. "What did you think of her, Josie?"

"I think if her brother didn't divert her attention, she might still be here," I said. "She seemed determined to speak to the king."

"She can't keep away from him."

"She's worried he'll forget her if he goes more than an hour without seeing her," the captain added.

"Desperate," Theodore spat. "Let's hope the king smells it on her soon so we can direct him to a more worthy lady." He sighed. "Are you quite sure Lady Miranda won't change her mind? I do like her."

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