Chapter 3

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We emerged from the forest at the base of Lookout Hill and rode into the village. The familiar salty scent of the sea hit me along with an undertone of gutted fish thanks to the northerly breeze. We passed the leather seller's hut, where his wife convalesced with their third born, and the clutch of other buildings built of the same warm yellow stone.

"You said your father traveled." The captain had been quiet for so long that his voice startled me. It wasn't so much the sound of it, but the way it rumbled through my body. He sat very close. "Where has he traveled to?"

"Everywhere on The Fist Peninsula," I said. "Freedland, Dreen, Vytill of course, and even into The Margin and across the sea to Zemaya. Not beyond Widowmaker Peaks, though."

"How long was he gone?"

"Years. He studied in Logios, and after graduation, he took his new education and traveled. He says he learned more in Zemaya than he ever learned in college, particularly about medicines and poisons."

"What do you know about the other nations on The Fist Peninsula?" the captain asked.

What a strange question. I turned more fully to see him properly. At such close proximity, he filled my view. "You don't have Zemayan coloring, yet you can't be from the Margin, either."

Those blue eyes lowered to mine. "Why not?"

"Because you're too sophisticated. Margin folk are simple tribespeople. You're clearly not a barbarian."

Quentin nodded sagely, proving he was listening. He did not look around, however, preferring to concentrate on the road ahead. His white-knuckled grip on the reins and stiff back were at odds with the other two, who both sat comfortably in their saddles. Max had straightened a little and seemed more alert. The fresh sea air had woken him up, and the effects of the Mother's Milk were wearing off.

"Tell me more about the Margin," the captain said.

"It's mostly plains and then the foothills of the Peaks." I shrugged. "Nomadic tribes live there. They fight amongst themselves and don't venture into Glancia. There's not much more to tell."

"What about Dreen? The college city of Logios is in Dreen, is it not? What else is it known for? What are the people like?"

We passed the Bramm sisters walking back from the main street, their baskets full. They stepped out of our path then stopped altogether and gawped at us. "Josie?" asked one.

"Good afternoon, " I said.

"What are you doing with those...?"

"Palace guards?" I filled in for her. "I'll explain later."

They glanced at each other then rushed off, their strides long and purposeful. The entire village would know I'd ridden with palace guards by nightfall.

"Dreen is large in area but smaller than Vytill and Glancia in population," I said, answering the captain. "Most of it is sparsely populated farmland. There are two cities—Upway, the capital, and Logios, the college city."

"And Vytill? What are the folk there like?"

I huffed out a laugh. "The most intelligent, beautiful, and wealthy. Just ask them. Did I mention they're arrogant too? According to the king of Vytill, it's the most important nation on The Fist. Not anymore, though. Not since the Rift. Have you heard of the Rift?"

"I have."

That was something, at least. I was beginning to think he was completely ignorant about everything to do with the peninsula.

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