Chapter 21

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 Hammer strode up to them and bowed to the king. "Sire."

"There you are, Captain," His Majesty said. "I've been waiting for you." He held out a hand to Miranda. "Shall we?"

"One moment, sire," Hammer said. "A word, please."

A flicker of panic passed over the king's face. They moved away from the nobles toward us, close enough for me to hear the worry in the king's voice when he asked Hammer if something had happened.

"Miss Cully came to the palace to check on Lady Lucia," Hammer told him.

The king looked at me. "Is she all right, Miss Cully?"

"There appears to be nothing wrong with her now," I said as I curtseyed. "Whatever caused her to faint has passed, but Doctor Clegg advised her to rest."

"Then rest she shall have. Is that all, Hammer?"

"I was about to escort Miss Cully home. It's growing dark and she should not go alone."

"That hardly requires your personal attention. One of your men can do it. Max!"

Max bowed. "Yes, sire."

"Take Miss Cully to wherever she wishes to go. I can't spare the captain." He cast a glance over his shoulder at the two ladies. They curtseyed in unison, like puppets on a string. Miranda lowered her gaze but Lady Morgrave did not. She gave the king a coy smile.

"Miss Cully has just suffered the recent loss of her father," Hammer went on. His voice sounded strained to me, but the king gave no indication he heard it. "She shouldn't enter the house alone at night, and—"

"Max can do it, Hammer. He's built like an ox. No one will dare cross him." He clasped the captain's arm and leaned closer. "I understand, but my need of your protection is greater."

"Allowing me to go with her would show how much you appreciated her for saving Lady Miranda's life."

"She didn't save it, her father did." The king softened his words with a smile for me. "You were an excellent assistant, Miss Cully, and I ordinarily would allow the captain to take you home, but not today. It's a fine evening and Lady Miranda would like to take a turn around the gardens. You understand, I'm sure."

"Of course," I said, curtseying again.

He smiled. "Good." He went to walk off, but stopped. "Oh, Miss Cully, I am very sorry about your father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." He'd turned away before I finished speaking.

Hammer watched him go with a glare so icy I thought the king might shiver.

"Captain?" Max asked. "Your orders?" How curious that he didn't follow the king's orders without question, but waited for his captain's.

"Make sure you escort her inside," Hammer said. "Check the entire house before you go."

"Please do," I said, batting my lashes. "I don't think we have rats, but it's always good to be thorough, and it'll make me feel so much better to have a man as strong as an ox to protect me from them."

Both men stared at me. "Is she teasing us?" Max asked Hammer.

"Yes," Hammer said.

"Did we deserve it?"

"I have no idea but I think if we ignore her, she'll stop."

Max frowned at his captain. "I can't ignore her. I have to take her home."

Hammer's short laugh came from the depths of his chest, and caused Max's frown to deepen. Hammer clapped his sergeant on the shoulder then joined the king.

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