Jean scowled, feeling offended when Reiner and Bertholdt began to root for Eren. "Oi, why are you assholes cheering for Eren? I'm aboutta send his ass to the nether once I hit him with that spike." Jean was smirking as he proceeded to berate the hot-head next to him with a flurry of attacks, bringing Eren's character to the brink of death. He then saw Mikasa shift on the other couch out of the corner of his eye. His focus on the game somewhat shifted towards the ravenette, who was now adjusting the blanket on her lap. He had really been hoping to talk to her during this party, but each time he attempted to get close to her, Eren somehow managed to find a way to mess things up for him, such as sitting between Jean and Mikasa or obnoxiously interrupting any attempts at a conversation. Jean wasn't sure if Eren did these things on purpose or if he just had the worst luck, but he decided that enough was enough and he would get straight to the point. So he bargained.

"Hey, Mikasa. You seein' this? If I kick Eren's ass on smash-- no, when I kick his ass, would you consider goin' on a date with m-"


As soon as he heard this, Jean tore his attention away from Mikasa with wide eyes back onto the TV. Reiner and Bertholdt were laughing their asses off at the screen.

He had lost.

"HELL YEAH! I CLUTCHED THAT SHIT!" Eren quickly stood up from his position on the couch and threw his controller onto the cushions. He then proceeded to make an ass out of himself by dancing obnoxiously in front of everyone to the tune of "in your horse-lookin' face, Jean!" Reiner and Bertholdt were wiping tears from their faces after having seen Jean's jaw hit the floor.


Eren flashed the newly-crowned loser an absolutely shit-eating grin. "It's 'cause I'm that good, Johnny-boy."

Marco's surprised face moved from the screen to look at a now pissed Jean. He piped up. "Jean, you honestly were about to win, but then you got a bit distracted," he said as he glanced over at Mikasa, who was currently being entertained by Eren's victory dance. It seems that she hadn't quite heard what Jean had to say. Either that or she was choosing to ignore it.

Jean's eye twitched in annoyance as he heard Eren exclaim to Reiner and Bertholdt "I told you guys I was good!"

Annie was thoroughly annoyed at the green-eyed boy's vigor and she pulled out her phone in search of memes, hoping to tune out Eren's loud victory screeches.

Jean was wildly annoyed. He angrily got up from the couch and tossed the controller aside. "Tch, whatever. You just got lucky, Jaeger." He then stalked off into Eren's kitchen for some more Coca Cola, using the trip as an excuse to vent his frustrations out. He was so close to getting a date with Mikasa (well, at least he thought so).

Jean trudged by you on his way for soda. You had seen the devastating blow to his morale and felt pity for the boy. Maybe one day, he'd be able to impress Mikasa with his Smash skills.

Your eyes shifted from loser-boy and once again skimmed across the teeming room, finally settling onto a certain blonde. Armin had come out from the dark hallway and into the bright living room, sitting on the couch with the other boys and next to Annie's chair. He took up a control and clicked onto the stage selection screen for the game, choosing the Mario Galaxy arena. He then began to tell the boys why Gusty Garden Galaxy was the best song in the game.

"Why'd I choose it? Because it's an iconic song and one of the most popular ones in the franchise. Playing any other song while using this stage would seem disrespectful."

"The cute little nerd." Your eyes were shamelessly glued onto the blonde nerd, taking in the way his whole face seemed to light up as he continued to deliver what was practically an essay to Reiner, Bertholdt, Eren and Marco on the beauty of Super Mario Galaxy. You kept your eyes on his now concentrated face. His brows furrowed while focusing on the game and his oceans-for-eyes filled with a fierce glint and a sense of purpose (which was to beat the boys in smash, of course). You liked the way that he would scrunch up his button nose whenever he was in a pinch. The way his lips pursed when he was close to getting knocked off stage. And the way he would grin when killing someone off. "He's so cute when he's destroying his friends in video games."

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