Ch 23 Love Birds

Beginne am Anfang

Foxys POV:

I started the car and started driving to the restaurant. Bonnie was holding my hand and Funtime was on her phone. Bonnie was on his phone too but was looking at rings and bracelets on some website. I didn't think he was into jewelry or bracelets. We pulled up to the restaurant and I got out of the car same with Funtime. "Hey give me one second and then we can go." Bonnie said getting out of the car. "Its fine. We'll go to the front and wait for you." He nodded and me and Funtime walked over to the front and guess who was waiting for us. Chica, Mangle and Lolbit. "You didn't say you invited Chica too." I said walking over to them. "We're getting a separate table so it really doesn't matter." Said Mangle. "Plus I think your girlfriend would love to meet us." Said Chica. "Yea where is she Foxy?" Followed Lolbit. "I found yall a nice restaurant so I kinda deserve to know." I scratched the back of my head and nervously laughed. "Hey sorry I took so long- oh hey guys." Bonnie said coming around the corner. Chica jaw dropped and Lolbit gasped and covered her mouth. "Wait, yall are dating!?" Lolbit said. "Yea..." I answered. Lolbit started laughing and I immediately felt annoyed. "Sorry I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because I literally tried to seduce your boyfriend right infront of you." She said struggling to breath. "Holy shit. I'm so sorry." She said catching her breath. "Its fine." "I honestly didn't see this coming. I thought you were straighter than a line." Chica said. "How did your parents react?" "We haven't told them." "Is it because there religious?" "Them being religious doesn't mean anything, they just think that being gay is wrong and terrible." Said Funtime. "You guys look so cute!" Shouted Lolbit fangirling. "Thanks." Replied Bonnie. "Lets go show you your seats." Mangle said. We walked in and went to the front and Mangle was talking to the lady at the front. I looked over my shoulder and saw a booth with Golden, Grim, Frosty and Freddy in it. "I see you brought half of the whole gang." I said to Funtime. "Its just a few. And they already know your dating Bonnie. Well that's what Mangle told me at least." "I guess that'd fair." I answered. "Your seats are over there and I'll take you two to yours." The lady said as me and Bonnie followed.

Foxys POV: 6:15pm:

We started heading up the stairs and walking up to the third floor. I though Funtime said Mangle got us seats on the second floor outside. It doesn't matter. We made it to the third floor and it was packed. Everyone was wearing something nice. She walked us over to a table right next to a huge window. The table had red cloth on it and a candle. All the tables had candles giving the room a dark romantic kind of feel. Me and Bonnie sat down. "Your waiter will be over shortly." The lady said leaving. "This is nice." Bonnie said looking around. "Yea, I thought Mangle choose a table on the second floor." I added. It was quiet for a moment until a thought popped up. "Hey um... what were you doing at the truck earlier?" "Oh I um...  was just grabbing something." "What was it?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out two bracelets and sat them on the table. They were thick red and purple strings wrapped around each other and tied at the end. "I made it awhile back but I thought it looked kinda girly and I thought you probably wouldn't have liked it so I was on the internet looking for some others but couldn't find anything." I grabbed the bracelet and and tied it around my left wrist. "I like it. It looks cute." His ears perked and he grabbed the other bracelet. "Wait you actually like it?" "Yea it's like a promise bracelet. And I like that it's purple and red, it's cute. When did you make it?" "I made it a couple days ago after running away from Kai." "I love it. It can be our little boyfriend thing." He giggled and thanked me while putting on his bracelet on his right wrist. "I'm happy you like it." He layed his hand on the table and I laid mine on his. "Hi can I start you two off with a drink?" Said a waiter stopping by our table. "I'll take a iced tea." I said. "I'll take the same." The waiter nodded and walked away. "This place is very nice. Its got a nice romantic mood to it." Bonnie said looking around the room. "Yea Lolbit choose a great restaurant." "I've never been out somewhere nice before and it feels weird but normal at the same time." "Thats how I felt on a first date too. It feels weird at first then it gets better." "No I'm mean... I've never been out with someone or really went out at all." "What do you mean? Your parents don't toke you out to dinner?" "My parents were never really home so I grew up kinda taking care of myself. And when we would go out, it would be to go grab food. Like from
Burger King or somthing. My parents didn't really spend much time with me that much. They were too busy with their jobs and whenever they wernt busy they'd go out with there friends and drink until they were drunk." "I'm so sorry Bon." I said now holding his hand. "Its fine. I liked being alone anyway." "But your fine with us always being around you right?" "Yea of course, You guys actually care about me. I think because my parents were never around me I grew up not talking to people. Its like the butterfly effect. Their disitions changed my fate kinda." "Wait, what happend to you after your parents... ye'know... if you don't mind me asking." "Oh um... I moved in with my aunt and stayed with her for awhile until she had to move to California for a job but couldn't bring me with her so I was renting out a small apartment until I met Kai and he offered me to stay with him. I had to of course because I couldn't find a job at the time so I couldn't pay for the apartment." "Oh, shit I'm so sorry you had to go through that." "Its fine. I'm just happy I'm here with you now." I smiled and then the waiter came back. She placed our drinks on the table and then handed our menus. "I'll give you two a couple of minutes to decide." She said leaving. I grabbed my menu and looked at the choices. It's a Pizzaria so there really wasn't anything to really look at. "Are we gonna share a pizza? They make humongous pizzas so..." "Yea sure. I don't mind what's on it, you can decide." Bonnie said taking a drink of his tea. The waiter came back over and we ordered our food and then she left. Me and Bonnie talked and laughed for awhile until we got our pizza finally. "What was your past like Foxy? You asked for mine so you should tell me yours." He asked taking a slice of pizza. "Well its not that huge of a story but, after my mom died me and my dad were kinda on our own for awhile until I think I was ten and my dad married my now step mom. But other than that, not very amazing." I replied taking a bite of my pizza. "What did you first think of when you saw me? It's just a random question." "Well I saw you alot at school and always saw you alone and I always wanted to introduce myself but didn't know if you were that kinda of guy that would like to talk to people. So I kinda thought of you as a antisocial person but with a strong personality." "Oh." "What did you think of me when you first saw me?" "Well, when we first met I thought you were gonna just talk to me and then never talk to me again but then you came in the music room with me and listened to my music and I thought I actually made a friend. So I thought of you as a very nice and caring person. And I thought right." He said making me giggle. I sighed looking at him. "God, I'm so happy I met you. Your literally the nicest, kindest and sweetest person I've ever known. Plus you also the cutest." I said clearly making him blush. "I'm happy I let you in my life. Because if I didn't I'd probably still be trapped at Kais apartment." "I probably woulda found out anyways though." "Eh. Yea I guess. But you probably woulda found out in a bad way."  "Probably." We enjoyed our food and finished and sat there just talking for what felt like hours. I listened to his story's and he listened to mine. God I felt like my heart would sink every time I would hear his beautiful voice. He made me so happy. No one else has made me this happy before. "Foxy?" He said making me jump a little. "Oh sorry what?" I said sitting up in my chair. "You kinda just dayz out while looking at me." "Sorry I was just thinking." I said scratching the back of my head. "About what?" "Theres just... something about you." "W-what do you mean?" "Like you make my heart melt every time I'm around you. You make me feel so happy and calm. I've never felt something like this around anyone before. Not even the other people I dated. Your special." He giggled and looked at me with his ruby eyes and blew me a kiss. "You make me feel exactly the same." I chucked and sighed smiling and laying my head in my hand. "Qre you close to ready to leave. Well, Mangles probably gonna want us to talk to them so we'll do that probably." "I'm ready when you are captain." He said making me chuckle again. "Your adorable." I said standing up and him doing the same. I grabbed his hand and we left to go find Mangle. As we were walking down the stairs to the second floor Bonnie placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for the first date. It was lovely." He said. "I'm happy you liked it." I said as we started walking down the stairs to the third floor.

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt