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We stayed in the room, Annabeth and I.

I had called Jason, and he came as soon as class ended.

Percy was still lying unconscious. Everyone was super devastated. Annabeth was freaking out more than anyone.

Well... if Jason had been knocked unconscious for almost 5 hours, I would be too.

"He hasn't woken in hours! Is he alive?" She asked the doctors, still gripping Percy's hand.

"He is, ma'am. Please calm down."

"CALM D-" I grabbed Annabeths other hand, hugging her.

"Please leave." Jason told the doctor. The doctor obliged, leaving the room.

Annabeth cried into my shoulder, "Stupid, stupid Seaweed Brain." She muttered.

"I know, Annie, I know." I said, stroking her hair.

After a while, Annabeth freaked out again, looking down at her and Percy's hands.

His finger was moving slightly.

"He... he's using morse code!" Annabeth said. 

After a while, Annabeth started understanding. 

"Can't... talk. Cant talk!" Annabeth looked over at Percy, his blue eyes meeting Annabeth's grey ones.

He nodded.

"Should we call in a doctor?" I suggested.

Percy shook his head.

"He says ew." Annabeth said after a moment. 

"Ew to doctors?" Piper asked.

Percy nodded.

Jason snickered.

"I guess you aren't all that stupid after all." Annabeth kissed Percy's cheek.

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