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Octavian and I started hanging out more often. 

I figured out that mostly everyone hates him, but he was kinda a nice guy. To me, at least.

"So why does everyone hate you?" I asked.

"I used to be a real asshole to a lot of people." He sighed. "I used to be really heartless."

"But you have shown me otherwise, and I believe you are a nice guy."

"Do I hear wedding bells?" Leo asked, looking in the door while smirking.

"NO!" Octavian and I both shouted, our faces both going red.


"NO LEO!" We shouted again. Leo laughed and walked out again.

I faced Octavian, my face all kinds of fired up.

"Uh- uh so anyways-" I said, messing with my curly red hair.

He leaned towards me and kissed me softly. I didn't object and kissed him back, smiling softly.

//next chapter will be longer, and some more characters are going to be coming in, like Silena and Clarisse. They'll have bigger parts, cuz they deserve to. Just like Rachel and Octavian did. I'll also publish next chapter hopefully today// 

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