𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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My eyes opened from my body being shaken "(Y/N)!" someone called out my name. Rubbing my eyes before getting a clear view of the person in front of me. It was Yuji. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly as he held out his hand, slapping it away as I stood up by myself. "So now you care about me?" I questioned him with a glare as I noticed Nobara was not here; instead, he was with the guy from the other school, Toudou.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to hurt you", Yuji apologised, but I ignored him as I looked up at the sky to see a screen. This wasn't right, what did I miss. Suddenly, I felt an intense presence. We were in danger; someone had invaded the school. "(Y/N), talk to me-" Yuji whined, but I stopped it by putting my hand over his mouth.

"We have bigger problems than us right now", I glared at him. "If we don't go, the others could get hurt or even worse," I spoke seriously as Yuji nodded his head as the three of us ran. "Are you my best friend's soulmate?" Toudou asked, but I ignored him, focusing on getting to the others. "Yeah, but she's annoyed at me right now" I could hear the pout in Yuji's voice which was making me feel guilty, but I stayed strong. "Then maybe you shouldn't have said what you said", I hissed out. I saw the exit of the forest where a curse was fighting Maki and Megumi.

"You two go on ahead; I'll stop his movement" they nodded their heads as the curse had Maki trapped. Stopping my running, letting the two run past me as I hold his shadow captive. The two reach the curse as I try to stop him still, but he was too powerful; Toudou grabbed Maki as Yuji punched the curse.

Attempting to hold his movement for so long made my version dizzy; I was already weakened earlier, and I wasn't going to hold him off for much longer. But Yuji's life could be in danger, the image of his dead body flash through my mind, and it was like strength and determination to stay away. I had to help him; I couldn't leave him to fight alone like last time.

"Carry these two to the other side of the screen; it only stops Gojo from getting in", Toudou spoke as Panda nodded his head. "Wait, take (Y/N)" Yuji rushed out as they all looked over at me as blood began dripping out of my eyes. "I'm fine, just take those two", I shouted at them, Panda was about to open his mouth, but Yuji spoke first.

"Please, I'm stronger now, I can handle this, and you're already injured. I don't wanna lose you," he calmly said as he walked towards me. I shook my head as now blood and tears fell from my eyes, "how do you think I feel? I watched you die, and now you want me to trust you to get out of this alive. I'm not leaving."

He leaned his forehead against mine; I could feel his warmth. It was comforting; I felt safe whenever he was near. "I love you (Y/N). You can barely stand; please go with the others. I'll be fine, trust me." Yuji whispered into my ear as my body lost all its strength. He caught me before I fell to the ground while the curse crashed to the ground; Yuji carefully passed me to Panda.

"Take care of her" Yuji smiled at us before turning his back to focus on the curse. I don't want it to be like last time; I have to say it now, or else I don't know what will happen.

"I love you, Yuji, and if you dare die, I'll kill you myself!"

He let out a hearty laugh at my death threat as a smile had appeared on my face. I would trust him to come back to me. He's stronger now; I saw just a bit of his strength earlier.

Panda carried the three of us away, but as we got out of the circle, someone stood there. "Drop my daughter!" I looked over to see my mother standing there. Panda grip on me tightens, "it's okay. I'll deal with her. Look after the others," I spoke to Panda as my mother watched us.

"But you're hurt (Y/N)", Panda said with concern, but I only let out a small smile. If Yuji is fighting for me, then I have to fight for myself as well. Yuji is protecting us from that curse, but if I can't even stand up to my mother, then there's no point in protecting me.

Panda carefully placed me on the ground before running to help the other two in his arms. "I quit being a (L/N)!" I shout at the woman in front of me, but she just laughs in my face. "Sadly, you don't get a choice but-" she paused as she disappeared to reappear behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck lifted up as she hugged me from behind. My own mother had never hugged me in my entire life.

"Now, you will become an obedient daughter." Mother whispered into my ear as I felt a slight pain on my arm. Glancing at my arm to see a needle was injecting some type of liquid inside of me.

"I hate you", I let out before everything had turned dark.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now