𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

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All that could be heard in the empty hallway was the footsteps of Yuji and me. We walked side by side, his eyes didn't even dare to look at me. However, my (e/c) eyes happened to drift in his direction every so often. I kept telling myself that it wasn't me that it was the bond, I didn't even know the guy.

I wore a scarf that my grandma had made me before she died, it covered the mark perfectly. Also, it was cold outside, so it was doing two things for me.

Distracted by my thought that I didn't notice my body was unconsciously moving towards him. Until our fingers touched, jumping at the electric touch and moved far away from him. Yuji whispered something to himself as he looked down at his hand where we had made contact before glancing over at me, "are you okay?" Nodding my head as I straighten myself up and walk in front of him, leading the way to the room.

"I'll wait here so you can talk to your friends" I spoke softly as he gave me a small smile of thanks before walking into the room. Once he was out of sight, I let out a breath I had been holding in. Today was going to be long. Leaning my body against the wall as my mind wandered, I was so young, and I've already found my soulmate. What was I going to do now? I don't want a soulmate, the universe could have let me pick my partner, but that's not how my life works. I never get to choose anything.

What am I doing? I didn't have to come with him all this way, but yet here I am outside waiting for him. Pushing myself off the walk as I narrow my eyes at the door, I shouldn't have to wait for some soulmate, some boy I don't want.

Just as I was about to walk away, the door opened "I'm ready to go now." Nodding my head silently as sweat formed on my forehead. We began our walk out of the hospital, it was quiet. I didn't really know what to say to him, I don't really speak to people. Stop thinking like that, this soulmate stuff was messing me up. I need to avoid him from now on.

"Thank you for yesterday, what you said really helped me" he glanced at me with a smile, his smile was dangerous. Yuji had the type of smile that was contagious. A small smile had slowly started forming on my face. Oh no, turning away from him as I slap my cheeks. (Y/N) stop fooling around.

"Wow" hearing Yuji speak caused me to turn around to see he had stopped walking, and that was another mistake, "(Y/N) you have a pretty smile." He said with shimmering eyes as he moved closer to me, "but you should smile bigger like this." Yuji demonstrated on himself, his eyes were on me as I could feel my heart flutter. Danger. Danger. My brain screamed at me, but yet I couldn't walk away from him.

"Like this," he said as he used his two index fingers to lift up the corner of my lips. I could heat rush to my face at the contact luckily for me he let go and began laughing, "you look so scared (Y/N)." He spoke between laughs as he walked in front of me, holding my hands to my cheeks, trying to calm myself down. "This was gonna be difficult" I whispered to myself as my heart stopped in its beat when Yuji looked back at me, "what'd you say?"

Feeling the heat once more "it's nothing." I spoke as I walked, passed him and out of the hospital. Yuji sits beside Gojo as I try to find somewhere peaceful so I can think. Being near him made me lose all sense. Stuck in my head that I didn't notice I had bumped into someone, the impact caused me to fall, but the person grabbed a hold of my waist, stopping me from falling. "Sorry (Y/N)" glancing up to see it was Megumi.

He helped me gain my balance, "I heard we are gonna meet a new classmate soon." He said as I tilted my head, I never heard this. Megumi walked in front as I followed behind until we reached where the two sat outside the building.

"We goin' somewhere?" Yuji asked as he looked around at us, letting out a sigh. "Tokyo" Megumi spoke as Yuji stared at him in shock. I can't believe this is my soulmate.

"You're gonna enrol in the same school for Jujutsu as us," I said as I crossed my arms glancing up at Gojo who informed him on how many first-year there were.

All four of us walked to the bullet train, which would take us to the school. Once we were all on the train, I sat away from the three of them, enjoying my time alone. And most importantly, away from him. I can not fall into that trap. The soulmate trap.

However, before I could relax Gojo, our teacher just had to open his mouth, "Yuji, why don't you sit next to (Y/N) and get to know your classmate." He smirked in my direction as in my mind, I was digging his grave.

Putting my bags on the floor, allowing Yuji to sit next to me, "so what's it like there?" Yuji asked me as I felt my hands begin to sweat.

I hate you, Gojo.

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant