𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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All three of us, me, Nobara and Megumi sat outside on some steps, "he told us to live long," Megumi spoke. That did seem like something he would say. I couldn't tell them the truth, I promised I wouldn't, but it hurt to see them like this. Even though we hadn't known each other for long, I didn't want to see them like this.

"I can't wait to tell the others; they'll be so shocked" I smiled. However, Gojo just had to ruin my uplifted mood. "Sorry, but this has to be a secret until Yuji is ready" I turned to look at Yuji to see if he was okay with all this, but he just glanced away from me. "I need to get stronger",, he mumbled while Gojo smiled at us.

This morning, I put some concealer over the mark just in case any of them saw it. That would be the worst situation, "you seem better today (Y/N)." Nobara said, looking in my direction, my body tensed up, and I couldn't think of what to say. I was never good at lying, "um, it still hurts to think about it, but it'll get better." Looking down at my lap as that image of his body in my arms resurfaced. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over that. I wasn't lying to her, at least.

Even though they both pretended like his death didn't hurt, I could see it in their faces. They were hurting just like I was yesterday, but they ignored it to help me. "Why did you both help me yesterday?" I asked quietly, scared that I had stepped over the line.

Nobara was the first to speak, "I knew someone whose soulmate died, they used to have the biggest smile but when her soulmate died. She wasn't the same anymore." She took a pause, "my friend became depressed and even tried to kill herself." I let out a small gasp, it wasn't unheard of, but still, it was just shocking to hear. Nobara was looking after me, making sure I didn't turn out like her friend.

If he didn't come back, would I have killed myself? Sure it would have hurt every day, but I don't think I would. I still have a lot of unfinished things here. And my dream is still there waiting for me.

"Gojo forced me", Megumi spoke but was soon hit by Nobara; I let out a small laugh, not really expecting much else. Megumi never told us anything, and I think there was more to that.

"What the hell? You're more depressing than ever, Megumi?" An unknown girl spoke as she stood in front of us. "Is this a wake?" both mine and Nobara's eyes widen in shock at her words. I don't think she actually knew about the recent events as her comrades whispered to her the news. "Zenin-senpai '', Megumi called out, which widened my eyes more.

I knew that name; my mum often had meetings with them, "don't call me by my family name; it's Maki!" I think I remember that name, the girl without cursed energy; if I had no cursed energy, I would already be married off even though I'm only fifteen. In my family, they marry for power and nothing else.

The other two came from out behind the tree and introduced themselves, "I want you to attend the Kyoto sister school exchange." The Panda spoke as both Nobara, and I watched, confused; both of us were new compared to Megumi. The second year gave us a quick summary of what the event was, "you're gonna do it, right? Your comrade died after all," Maki asked.

I didn't even have to think about it as all three of us spoke at the same time, "I'll do it." I wasn't going to lack when Yuji was training hard. Also, I needed to grow stronger if I wanted to leave the clan. I know I could never defeat my mother like this. I'm too weak. My mother is the head of the clan right now; she's the strongest soccer in the family. No one could compete against her, but I'll take her down from her high horse when I get stronger.

The second year began training us. I sat on the grass by Maki, watching Nobara getting chased by Panda. Then it was my turn to be chased by the animal. We trained for nearly two hours until I and the other first years were too exhausted that we couldn't stand up. "Come on, get up!" Maki shouted, which caused us all to stand up to our feet.

Maki was scary, and I would never mess with her.

We waved goodbye to our Senpais before heading back to our dorms; immediately, I hopped into the shower. Washing off all the sweat and relaxing until the warm water.

Once I was all washed and changed, I laid down in my bed, scrolling through social media. Gojo said I couldn't contact him until he was finally revealed himself because he needed to concentrate.

Knock knock

Who could that be at this time? I stood up from my bed even though I didn't want to. My body had aches and pains all over from today's training. I opened the door, and I wish I didn't because it was none other than my mother.

Rolling my eyes as I leaned against the door with my arms crossed, "I thought you left already." She smirked at me as I noticed there were more people behind her than usual, "meet your future husband." Mother gestured towards a man older than me who gave me a creepy smile. I didn't think she would have gone this low.

"My wife, you look so gorgeous. We are gonna have such beautiful kids."

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now