The ceiling was high, the room cold and draughty, the floor was so old and faded I couldn't even tell the colour of it anymore. There were piles of old steel chairs to one side of the room, a pile of old tables on the other side, and stacks and stacks of boxes full of wires and copper in the far corner at the top end of the large room.

There was one light hanging down from the ceiling, it hung low over a large table in the centre of the room, illuminating Scarlet's red hair, I smiled underneath my bandanna at the sight of her. She was leaned over the table, the palms of her hands laying flat on the table, shoulder width apart. Her breasts being pushed up by her bra so they were practically spilling out the top of her shirt. As we got closer, the silhouette of the man she had tied up in the chair opposite her had become more clear, his hands were tied in tight knotted ropes behind him and his ankles were bound together.

Scarlet was a professional when it come to tying someone up, she could have you tied up and bound in less than 10 seconds, it was super impressive and honestly a massive turn on. The man looked rather relaxed from behind given the vulnerable position he was in, his shoulders slouched and I could tell his breathing was regulated, he was not panicking at all.

"Glad you could make it" Scarlet's voice echoed in the room.

"Business, sorry" I replied, shifting my glance side wards at Laura knowing she was the reason we were late.

I looked down at the man sat in the chair, leaning the top of my thighs against the table so I was facing him. He looked up at me, his eyes were completely relaxed, he wasn't scared one little bit.

"Do you have the money?" I asked him, staring into his eyes from behind my sunglasses, studying each flicker of his iris' making sure he wasn't lying, looking for pupil dilation, glances around the room and any indication of what was going on inside his head.

"Gave it to her" he nodded at Scarlet, the arrogance oozing out of him, I despised this man already.

"And the rest?" I pushed him for more.

"Like I told her before she tied me up, I don't have a name and I wouldn't give it to you if I did" He spat, snorting out the side of his mouth as if he was laughing at our expense. I did not like his attitude.

"You seem like a brave man" I stated coldly, shifting my self forward so I was closer to him, forcing my eyes into his, I could tell he was mildly enjoying this situation, I could tell he didn't take us seriously, he wasn't scared of us, that had to change.

"Tell me, if you're a big strong brave man, how come you're not fighting back? Or resisting a little, at least for our amusement" I ask in tease, lowering my tone so it became soft and sultry. He smirked slightly at my question, his mouth curling up at one side, his brown eyes looking up from his knees to meet mine.

I took in his body language, and noticed a bulge in the crotch of his tight black suit pants. Oh my god is he turned on by this? Typical man, three women tying him up, of course he wasn't scared, this was probably in this sickos fantasy somewhere.

"Oh baby, shall we do something about this?" I gesture to the hardening lump inbetween his legs, knowing the way to a man's vulnerability was through sex. I heard Scarlet snicker from behind me.

Laura stood behind the man, nodding at me giving me the go ahead. I could feel the darkness clouding in my eyes, my heart rate elevated. I inched my face closer to his, almost nose to nose. "you're not scared are you?" I whisper.

"Not of three women, no." He replied in a smug tone, making my blood boil. I could feel my hands gripping the sides of the chair he was sat on getting tighter, whitening my knuckles.

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