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Alora Lin

The day following Halloween, Padma and I were lounging in the common room after dinner, attempting to complete all the homework assignments we had procrastinated to the last minute.

I was focused on my essay for History of Magic, scribbling furiously onto a roll of parchment to get it over with as quickly as I could. I stretched out my arm, about to dip my quill into a bottle of ink, when I heard Padma clear her throat.

Peering up, her eyes locked with mine, and she raised her eyebrows suggestively, causing me to furrow mine.

"What?" I asked.

"So were you just never going to tell me how you got those hickeys?"

I froze, taking a big gulp before letting my mouth fall slightly agape.

I woke up this morning to bruises all over my neck. The tightness of my choker plus the strength of Draco's grip had created purplish-pink hickeys all the way down to my collarbone. I had tried to cover it up this morning with layers on layers of makeup, but Padma's eagle eyes could detect practically anything.

"You got some Slytherin dick, didn't you?" Padma smirked.

"Ew, Padma!" I whisper-shouted, trying to suppress the smile that was threatening to appear. "Don't say it like that."

"Well, am I wrong?" she inched forward slightly in anticipation of my answer.

"I–" I stuttered, knowing that revealing the identity of the person I had hooked up would cause Padma to hex me off the Ravenclaw tower. "No, you're not wrong," I admitted defeatedly.

"Ah!" Padma screeched, causing some of the others in the common room to turn their heads. "I knew that costume would work wonders. I'm proud of you, girl."

I laughed, grateful that she hadn't pried and asked who exactly gave me those hickeys. I was about to ask her how her night had gone when the door to the common room opened.

Anthony slipped in, stopping in his tracks when he and I had accidentally made eye contact.

I swore under my breath, gathering all of my books into a pile. I hadn't spoke to Anthony since his predicament with Draco last night, and I certainly didn't have any energy left in me for more drama.

Hastily picking up my stationary, I muttered to Padma, "I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm."

I didn't give her a chance to respond because soon enough, I was out of the room and sprinting up the staircase to my dorm.

Upon entering my room, I nearly screamed when I saw a dark silhouette perched on my couch. Turning on the lights, relief flooded through me when I saw that the person had bright blonde hair.

Draco didn't even spin around to look at me once I had closed the door. He continued reading the book in his hands, "About time you showed up."

"Were you reading in the dark?" I asked, dropping my books onto my desk before making my way to the couch.

"The moonlight coming in from the windows provided enough light," he casually remarked as he flipped a page.

I tittered, walking around the couch to stand in front of him.

"Sit," he exclaimed.

Following my breakup with Anthony, Draco and I had gotten slightly closer. Not necessarily in the physical aspect–because we certainly didn't have any problems with that–but in an emotional way.

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