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Alora Lin

"Draco, where are you taking me?" I beamed, fiddling with the silk tie he had placed over my eyes.

"Don't take it off," Draco ordered. "We're almost there."

With our fingers intertwined, he tightened his grip on my hand and dragged me down what felt like a gravel path.

Once we had come to a stop, I felt Draco's warm presence behind me. He gently caressed my waist and leaned down to peck my shoulder before reaching up to undo the knot on the tie.

"Open your eyes," he whispered, removing the tie from my face.

I peeled my eyes open, taking in the romantic setting before me.

Draco had laid out a blanket along the shore of the Great Lake. A picnic basket filled with an assortment of snacks was perched beside an ice bucket that contained a bottle of champagne and two tall glasses.

"It's a little cheesy, but..." Draco spoke into my ear, hugging me from behind. "I wanted to do something special for Valentine's Day."

The weather was surprisingly warm despite it only being midway through February. All of the snow had melted, the sun was out, and birds could be heard chirping in the distance. It almost felt like a scene straight out of a Muggle movie.

"Do you like it?" Draco asked.

"Like it?" I laughed, turning around and resting my arms on his shoulders as I scratched my fingernails along the back of his neck. "I love it."

He bit his lip, gazing down at my lips before leaning down for a kiss, "Let's go sit."

With his hand on my lower back, he ushered me over to the picnic blanket. Having worn a skirt, I carefully sat down, kicking my legs out to the side, bending my knees, and resting all of my weight on one arm as Draco perched beside me.

"Here," he smirked, taking out two glass bowls. One was filled with strawberries, and the other contained melted chocolate. "Try one," he said, dipping a strawberry into the chocolate before raising it to my lips.

I took a bite, humming as I closed my eyes.

Draco took my half-bitten strawberry and brought it to his mouth, eating the rest of it before he tossed the green stem to the side. His lips curled into another smirk when his eyes met mine.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Nothing," he laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "You just got a little something here," he pointed to the corner of his mouth.

I was about to wipe the chocolate residue from my lips when Draco grabbed my wrist, "No, let me take care of it."

He leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. His tongue slipped out, grazing across the length of my lips before licking off the chocolate that was dripping from the corner of my mouth.

"Did you get it?" I bit my lip as he pulled away.

He nodded proudly, flashing a subtle wink before reaching over to grab another strawberry.

"Here, let me get this one," I took the strawberry from his fingers and generously dipped it in some chocolate. I brought it to his face, purposefully dripping some of the chocolate above his jawline.

"Oops," I fake gasped, nibbling on my lower lip. "Let me take care of that."

I rested the chocolate-covered strawberry on top of the bowl and leaned forward. Placing one of my hands on Draco's hard chest, I lightly scratched my nails against his white button-up before latching my lips onto his jawline.

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