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time to switch things up with a third person POV! hope you like it :)


January was coming to an end. The fifth years have been swarmed with work since the beginning of the month. With the OWL exams only four or so months away, professors were ramping up the workload now more than ever.

Friday had finally arrived, and the Ravenclaws thought it most appropriate to give themselves a break from all of the reading and essay assignments.

Once the clock struck ten, the upperclassmen from all four houses began piling into the Ravenclaw common room. A drink table had been set up, and music was blasting from speakers placed in every corner of the room. Someone had cast the Muffliato charm to ensure that no professors would hear the cacophony streaming from the Ravenclaw tower.

Alora, who was still in her black school skirt and white button-up, sprinted down the stairs from her dormitory and entered the common room. Padma gestured towards her, urging her to come to the drinks table to begin downing shots.

The two of them began recklessly pouring out firewhisky shots. In all honesty, they were quite desperate to get drunk. The past few weeks have brought such an insurmountable amount of stress that Alora and Padma almost forgot what it felt like to be relaxed.

As time went on, the common room became more and more crowded. Students were piling onto the makeshift dance floor that had been created by pushing all of the couches and tables against the walls.

Alora and Padma had lost count of how many shots they'd taken by the time they started feeling tipsy. The two began giggling uncontrollably as they stumbled towards the corner of the room where a few students were gathering and plopped down on the couch.

"Ladies... Wanna play a round of spin the bottle?" a sixth year Ravenclaw boy broke away from his conversation with a few other older Ravenclaw boys to turn to the girls.

Padma bit her lower lip flirtatiously, eyeing him up and down, before nodding her head.

The boy sat down beside Padma, resting his arm on the back of the couch behind where Padma was perched.

A few others began settling down, arranging themselves in a circle in front of the couch. Roger Davies had spotted an empty seat beside Alora and took the opportunity to sit down beside her.

"Hey Alora," he beamed at her, hoping to get her attention.

She drunkenly angled her body to face him, flashing him a small smile before slumping back on the couch.

A group of Slytherins made their way over. A boy with the brightest blonde hair grudgingly took a seat on the ground a few feet in front of the couch, staring daggers at Roger who was practically drooling over Alora.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" the boy whom Padma was snuggling with spoke up.

Everyone's eyes darted around the circle before Roger decided to take initiative, "I-I can."

He hesitantly got up from his seat and crawled over to the glass bottle laying at the center of the circle. He spun the bottle, closing his eyes and praying that it would land on the girl he had in mind.

Disappointment flashed across his face after he had opened his eyes to see that the bottle was pointing towards Luna Lovegood.

"Well, isn't this nice?" Luna spoke in a sing-song voice.

She got up from her seat in the circle and walked towards the center where Roger sat waiting. His eyes widened, watching as she confidently made her way over to him and pecked his lips.

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