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SURPRISE bonus update babes 😇 another update is still coming tomorrow!! 


Alora Lin

Tapping my fingernails incessantly against the wooden table, I glanced over at the rustic clock in the front of the classroom for what felt like the fiftieth time.

"Looking at the clock isn't going to make it go faster," Anthony leaned over to whisper in my ear.

I bit the inside of my cheek, holding back a grin as I returned my attention back to Professor Snape.

A week of school had passed, and it was now Monday again. Anthony and I were currently sitting beside one another, waiting for Professor Snape to finish his lecture so that we could get on with the lesson and begin brewing potions.

He drawled on and on, each word spoken with more boredom and laziness than the last.

Resting an elbow on the desk, I placed my chin on the palm of my hand and twirled my quill with the fingers of my other hand. Anthony and I had already read all about the Draught of Peace when we were studying in my room last night. I didn't need to hear Professor Snape drone on about it.

I noticed Anthony dozing off in my periphery. His head would droop down ever so slightly before coming to a halt.

I sniggered, gently nudging him with my knee to wake him up.

His head darted up–eyes wide with alarm–as he fixed his posture. I was finding it hard to contain my laughter. 

In the end, it turned out to be quite easy when I spotted a pair of grey eyes leering at me. Draco's presence never failed to dampen my mood.

I ignored his gaze, just as I had ignored every attempt of his to talk to me during this past week.

"You may now begin brewing the Draught of Peace. Please provide a vial of your potion at the end of class," Professor Snape spoke, drawing out his vowels.

"I'll get the cauldron. You wanna get the ingredients?" Anthony suggested.

I nodded in compliance before standing up from my seat and sauntering towards the back of the classroom. 

Rummaging around the colossal table, I scanned the table for some powdered moonstone and porcupine quills. I had just sighted and picked up the glass jar containing moonstone when I felt someone bump into my shoulders.

"Oops," they mocked.

Some of the powdered moonstone had spilled onto my robes. I exhaled out of frustration, frantically brushing off the powder as I whirled around to glare at Draco.

"What part of 'leave me alone' do you not understand?"

"I don't think we ever agreed upon that, darling–"

"Don't call me that."

"Woah," Draco chuckled, taking the jar of powdered moonstone out of my hands to fill his vial with a sample. "Someone's feisty."

I scoffed, reaching over for the jar of porcupine quills only for Draco to take that out of my grasp as well. 

"So did you like my present?" Draco continued.

"You mean this?" I jeered, reaching into my robes to take out the box that contained the silver ring.

After forcing it into his grasp he glanced up at me with confusion etched on his face, "Why is it still in the box?"

"Why do you think?" I narrowed my eyes. "I don't want it."

"What do you mean you don't want it? Is it not expensive enough for you?"

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