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final chapter my loves - thank you all for sticking around until the end. be sure to read the update after this one as it contains an important message 🖤


Alora Lin

"You used Polyjuice Potion to turn into Anthony and make him cheat on me, didn't you?"

Draco nervously gulped before defeatedly nodding his head, "It was the only way for you to realize that he's not right for you."

"No, it's not the only way!" I raised my voice, feeling a sudden wave of anger wash over me.

He parted his lips as if he was about to speak, but he struggled to find the right words and remained silent.

"I guess that explains why Anthony was acting so weird the whole week leading up to when he cheated," I rolled my eyes. "You were him that entire time?"

Draco's breath hitched, and I noticed that his eyes were starting waver as I glared at him. He nodded, still avoiding my gaze.

"I-I..." he started, closing his eyes to take a deep breath. He sighed; his jaw trembled as he stumbled on, "I transformed into Anthony right before we patrolled the corridors that night."

I bit the inside of my cheek, too consumed with anger to even cry right now.

"And that fourth year Ravenclaw you saw him kissing... It was actually Parkinson. I had her take a strand of hair from any Ravenclaw girl she could find."

My breathing quickened as I glared at the boy sitting beside me. He finally gathered up the courage to turn his head and look at me. Tears were brimming his eyes, conveying the amount of guilt and regret he felt.

But I was not about to let him play the victim.

He tried to reach for my hand, but I tore it away, "Don't fucking touch me."

He look utterly devastated as he returned his hands to his lap and and gazed back down at the ground.

"Of course the first thing you do after turning into Anthony is to fuck me. Because that's all you're good at, isn't it?" I shouted at him.

"N-No, I didn't mean for it to come off that way. I assumed that you and Anthony did it all the time–"

"And why does the real Anthony think he cheated on me?" I interrupted him.

"I... I modified his memory with a spell," Draco replied ashamedly.

So many more questions were invading my mind that I didn't even know where to begin. I felt nauseous, suddenly realizing that what I had once thought was a perfect relationship had been built off of a lie.

"What else have you been lying to me about?"I spat.

"Nothing!" he looked up at me, pleading with his eyes. "Nothing, I swear." Light sobs streamed from his lips, but contrary to before, I didn't feel at all inclined to comfort him.

He was now burning the side of my head with his sorrowful gaze, whereas I could no longer bear to look at him.

"Leave," I muttered.

"Let me explain myself," he begged. "Please, just give me another chance."

"Draco, leave!"

"Alora, please–" he grabbed my wrist.

I stood up from the couch, forcefully yanking my wrist from his grasp, "No, I can't even stand being in the same room as you right now."


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