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Draco Malfoy

I ambled down to the dock by the Great Lake with Crabbe and Goyle on either side of me. We were walking towards the small boats that would take us to the location of the second Triwizard task.

"Who do you reckon will get first place today?" Goyle asked as I boarded our boat.

"Dunno," I shrugged. "I'm rooting for Krum."

"What about that Beauxbatons girl?" Crabbe suggested, rocking the boat from side to side as he got on.

"She's bloody hot, that one," Goyle smirked, chuckling along with Crabbe.

I rolled my eyes, giving a grimace of disgust, before looking away.

My eyes scanned the shore as our boat magically rowed itself further away from it.

Where is she?

Alora was released from the hospital wing over a week ago. Normally, I would be able to see her eating with her Ravenclaw friends in the Great Hall. But this morning, I only saw that stupid Goldstein kid eating with the other girls.

It's not like Alora to skip a meal.

I couldn't help but let worry fill my mind as the boat got closer to the location of the Triwizard task.

"Malfoy, you okay?" Crabbe asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, shut up," I remarked, forcing my expression to harden as I looked out towards the lake.


"Viktor Krum is the first one back with his hostage!" The old man's voice boomed across the stands, causing all of us to burst out into cheers.

I leaned over the railings, looking into the lake and praying that I wouldn't see Potter's face.

That foul git. I hope he doesn't even surface to be quite frank.

"Amazing! Fleur Delacour has returned with her hostage as well!"

Crabbe and Goyle began wolf whistling beside me, causing me to scowl in disgust. I continued peering over the edge, secretly hoping that Diggory would come out next.

To my dismay, it was Potter who rose from the surface, pulling a wet and gross-looking Weasley with him.

"Harry Potter is the third Triwizard Champion to surface!"

Minutes had passed and there were still no signs of Diggory.

"Do you think he's alright?" I overheard Professor McGonagall talking to Professor Dumbledore. "I'm worried the potion we gave his hostage will wear off. Oh dear, Albus, what if she drowns–"

"Don't worry, Minerva," Professor Dumbledore reassured her. "Alora will be fine."

My ears perked up when I heard her name, and my eyes widened. My mind went blank, and the only thing I could focus on was her. I didn't even bother pretending that I hadn't been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Alora?" I cried out, turning around to face the two professors who were stunned by my sudden outburst. "She's Diggory's hostage?!"

Professor McGonagall nodded feverishly, taking a few steps back as I advanced towards them, "Why yes, Malfoy. I-Is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem?" I mocked. "Of course there's a-"

I cut myself off, suddenly aware of how much attention I was attracting. I licked my lips nervously, looking around at all the students who had turned their attention away from the Great Lake and towards me.

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