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this might be the NASTIEST chapter I have ever written so proceed with caution :)



Alora Lin

"About time you lot are ready. I've been waiting here for an hour!"

Anthony burst up from his seat in the common room as Padma and I descended the stairs from our dormitory.

"Sorry, Anthony. It takes time to look this beautiful, you know?" Padma faked a pout, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Anthony tittered before turning to me, "You look really nice, Alora."

I had slipped on a black mini dress and topped it off with a leather jacket.

"Thanks," I blushed, noticing that his gaze on me was unwavering.

"Alright, love birds. Enough chit chat. Let's head down to the stadium," Padma teased, swinging her right arm around my shoulders and her left arm around Anthony's.

As we were about to head out of the common room, I winced, rubbing my throat to soothe the "aching" pain.

"You okay?" Anthony glanced over with worry plastered on his face.

I brought my inner elbow to my face and started fake coughing into it. After shaking my head, I massaged my throat, "No, actually. I think I'm coming down with something."

"Do you want to stay behind?" Anthony pried Padma's arm off his shoulders before sauntering towards me, placing a hand on my lower back. "I'd be happy to stay back and look after you–"

"No!" I stated almost too loudly.

Anthony and Padma widened their eyes, taken aback by the sudden raise in my voice.

"I-I mean, no..." I continued much more calmly. "I'll be okay. You two should go and watch the final task, seriously."

It took a few more minutes of convincing before Anthony finally agreed to let me stay in the dorms by myself.

I really appreciate how sweet he was being, but at this point, I couldn't wait for them to leave.

After all, the sooner they left, the sooner I'd be able to get to Draco.

I waited for the common room to be completely deserted before setting off for the dungeons. The entire journey there, I was fiddling with Draco's ring on my finger and nervously playing with my hair.

I was worried that I'd run into someone, and they'd interrogate me about why I was heading to the Slytherin dorms.

But I was more anxious about what awaited me past the entrance to the Slytherin dorms.

What did this boy have in store for me today?

Luckily, I made it down to the dungeons without running into anyone.

I had just started panicking, having realized that I have no idea how to actually enter the Slytherin common room, when I spotted a lanky, blonde boy leaning against the stone wall.

He turned towards me upon hearing my footsteps and immediately drew his lips up into a smirk.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show up," Draco bit his lip as he walked towards me, placing his hands on my waist before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Sorry, it took a while to convince my friends to go without me," I confessed.

"Let me guess... That Goldstein kid offered to stay behind with you?"

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