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Alora Lin

Our end of term exams were now over, and it was finally the night of the Yule Ball.

I was in my dorm, getting ready for the ball with Cho, Marietta, and Padma. Marietta was helping Cho with her hair, while Padma was adding the finishing touches to her makeup.

I had already completed my makeup and curled my hair into loose waves before putting it in a half up, half down hairstyle.

Wanting to feel a bit like a Ravenclaw princess, I had chosen a pastel blue dress for tonight; it was sparkly and see-through in the torso portion, but attached was an elegant and flowy skirt. A slit ran up the right side of the dress, exposing most of my leg.

I slipped on some silk, cream colored heels before waiting for the rest of my friends to finish getting ready.

"Alora!" Cho's eyes widened as she spotted me behind her in the mirror. "You look absolutely stunning!"

"Thank you," I blushed. "You as well! You all look beautiful," I said, gesturing to Marietta and Padma.

"I look like a clown threw up all over me," Padma frowned, furiously rubbing her eyelids to try and blend out the eyeshadow. She had accidentally added too much red eyeshadow, making her appear slightly ill.

"Oh shut it," I tried to comfort her. "You're absolutely gorgeous. You don't need all this makeup."

I sauntered over to Padma. With a flick of my wand, the intensely pigmented puddle of red that surrounded her eyes had turned into a beautiful sparkly gold. She was wearing an elegant red, silk sari with gold sparkles decorating the hems.

"Is that better?" I asked, turning Padma to face the mirror before her.

"Merlin's beard," Padma gasped. "Yes, that's perfect, Alora. Thank you!" She leapt up from her seat to wrap me in a tight hug.

The two of us chatted for a little longer as we waited for Cho and Marietta.

Once they had finished getting ready, it was time for us to head down to the Great Hall.


"Alora! Wow, um... hey," Anthony stuttered as he watched me walk down the stairs leading to the Great Hall. He stuck out a hand as I reached the bottom step.

I gave him my hand before he leaned down, giving the back of my hand a light kiss.

"Why do you look so shocked?" he chuckled.

"Just not used to you being such a gentleman," I laughed, a faint blush rushing to my cheeks.

"I hate you," he said, looking down and biting his lower lip.

"Sure you do," I teased as he placed his other hand on the small of my back, ushering me forward.

Although I would never admit it to Anthony, he did look dashing in his black dress robes.

Before we made it into the Great Hall, I felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of my face. Glancing over my shoulder, I spotted Draco leaning against the wall, his eyes looking nowhere else but at me.

My breath hitched when I saw him; as much of a git he was, he truly looked handsome in his velvet dress robes. His long blonde hair had been styled to perfection. The smug look on his face only increased his sex appeal.

His blue eyes trailed down my body, landing on the slit in my dress that exposed my leg. He brought his fingers up to his collar, loosening the bowtie that restrained his neck.

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