"But Racey, I can't. We swore to never bring it up again. We swore to forget about her." I look over to Iracebeth and even she looks frightened. Iracebeth can look shocked or even blue, but she has never looked frightened.

Iracebeth steps close to Mirana and pulls up her chin that fell. A Queens chin should never fall. "But my sister, I don't believe we have a choice."

Mirana nods her head and straightens her back. She unconsciously wipes off her dress even though the red stains may never come off. She walks into the middle of the room. Back straightened and chin high the whole time. "People of Underland! There was been a great tragedy here, today. Emili's-" She swallows the nickname, "The black witch, Emiliza, has taken our champion. And her threats are real."

The room starts up a rudely loud chatter. All asking themselves questions that no one has answers to. The Queen raises her hand and everyone is silent again. She breaths in and prepares herself for what she's about to say, "Emiliza is a witch, but like no other. She is able to get into your minds deep thoughts if you give her permission. Even the thoughts you've forgotten about."

Chessur wisps his way to in front of Mirana. Finally appearing again since thee' black witch left. "But, we haven't given her persmission."

The Queen looks ashamed again. She knows. But she must tell, "I have," Everyone gasps. "You must understand, she was my-" she hesitates then breaths out, "Best friend... and it was a different time..." She stops abruptly. She does not want to continue.

Iracebeth walks up to Mirana and grabs her hand. The Queen lifts up her head and whispers something unable for my ears to hear. Iracebeth nods and continues for her, "It doesn't matter the reason why she gave permission. The reason she's able to get into everyone's thoughts is because she gave permission. You all are governed by Mirana and that means you all gave Emiliza permission as well... in your own way."

That's... an interesting way of it. Some may say it makes no sense, but it makes perfect sense to me.

McTwist is the one to ask another question we all want to know, "But your majesty, what does she want with Alice?"

Mirana scans the room. I see anger flash in her dark eyes. "She doesn't care for Alice at all. She wants something we took from her. Something long ago we took and she's never been able to live with giving up. Something we can never give back."

"But we MUST!" It came out of my mouth before I could stop it. We can't leave Alice with her. We just can't! Are we to just, give up? "I'm sorry your majesty, Mirana, but we can't let her keep Alice! We just can't!"

"I know, Hatter. And we won't. But I..." Mirana pauses to think. For the first time since Emiliza revealed herself, Mirana looks hopeful. "Unless we trick her. A very nasty trick, but a trick no less." She whirls around and goes to her throne. Walking gracefully and with more peep her step now. She opens up the seat of the throne- how long has that been there- and pulls out a key.

She frolics back to the lot of us and holds out a old, silver key in her hand. "This key will get whoever, and whatever, to the world he's in-" It's a he now? "- We locked him away a very long time ago. He is less powerful now. If we want to bring him back to Underland, and with Alice back to us, we would need to use this to do it."

The lot of us lean in to look at the key. This is the way will bring my Alice back. Back to us. Back to me.

I go to grab the key, but Mirana closes her fist around it and holds it close to her chest. "I must warn you, this man has the same abilities as Emiliza. He does not have permission to go inside, as long as you don't give it to him, but he is a nasty trickster and can see your otter thoughts. It's a very dangerous road to get there as well."

I straighten my back and look at our Queen's eyes with all the muchness I can gather. "My Queen, I will do anything to get Alice back."

She breaths out the breath she was holding. She reluctantly gives me the key. She puts her hand on my check and rubs the pad of her thumb over it. "I know you will Hatter. I know you will and the why." She knows. "But you must not go alone."

She looks around to see if anyone else would volunteer. Everyone looks like they would all say no right away, but after a few seconds, someone does.

"Well, love. I guess you have another champion to call champion," I roll my eyes at Chessur's ignorance.

"If Hatters going, I'm going too. They need someone that knows how to handle a sword, anyway," Mallymkun announces. I can't help but laugh in my head. Only letting out a little giggle. This makes Mallymkun stare at me with a death a stare.

Bang. Bang. Bang! The bandersnatchs feet hit the ground with each step they take. He licks the side of my face with a big, long lick. I guess that counts him in too.

Mirana looks around one last time. It seems like no one else is willing to go. Then I hear it, "I'll go your majesty!"

My father.

I swiftly turn in the direction of his deep voice. I step forward while he does as well to join our circle. "No, father you can't-"

He cuts me off firmly, "Yes, my boy, I will go. Do not try to change my mind." I sigh out in defeat. My father puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring smile. "My boy, I've always wanted to go on a wild adventure like the ones you always talk about. You can count on me to be apart of this one with you."

This brings me joy even in the horrible situation we are in. I smile a closed smile and he returns it.

"Well, it seems we have our champions!" The five of us all look at each other. We see each others determination. We got this. Mirana takes the key from my hand, and goes to a door at the side of the room. She puts the key into the lock, and with some jiggling, unlocks it.

When she opens the door, it shows us a portal. A black and white swirling portal. The portal to our next destination. We all start to step forward, but she puts her hand up to stop us. "Be warned champions, this will not be like our world. There will be sharp turns and bumpy terrain you must cross to get to your destination. And whatever you do... Do NOT let Ericiza out of his cage."


That's the person we are in this predicament for. The person Emiliza, the black witch, took my Alice for. I will not let him out, no. Not as long as I get my Alice back. She nods her head then waves her hand. Coming from above is a small box that looks like it could be used to hold shoes. It floats down until my father grabs onto it. Mirana explains, "This box is able to hold anything and everything. All you have to do is open it and Ericiza will be trapped inside. It will only hold him until you are able to get back to Underland." We all nod our understanding, but Mirana has one more thing to add, "Good luck my champions. Underland is counting on you."

No pressure.

We all walk one by one into the portal. Chessur goes first, then Mallymkun and my father riding on the bandersnatchs back. I hesitate for a second.

This is bonkers.

Incredibly bonkers... but all worth it.


I'm coming for you.

With that last thought of my yellowed haired lass, I step in. Down the rabbit hole I go. Though the portal I go. I'm coming for you my love. My Alice.

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя