You pulled away from the kiss, your eyes drifting from his lips up to his droopy, love sick eyes. The wisteria complimented his hair and pale skin, for once he looked soft and gentle. He was soaking the image of you into his mind, printing every detail of your plumped lips and your hair that was still messy from bed. Your shirt that hung low revealing your breast that were snuggled together. He wanted nothing more than to have you again. He didn't care who saw or who heard, all he cared about was his wounded Tulip who chose to give him a kiss. 


"You were reaching for me."


"The bar, the other night. You reached out for me."

You nodded as you thought back to it. From where you stood, Shigaraki looked terrified as if he lost trust in you. 

"I told you, I didn't want to go. I don't want to leave. Even if us was just a deal."


Shigaraki plucked the wisteria he could feel from his hair. But his head tilted when you mentioned deal . 

You sighed and crossed your legs, sitting on your butt. "Apparently, my dad made a deal with All for one, that you and I will be together. By force or not."

He glanced from one eye to the other, trying to see if you were saying a poor joke but he saw nothing but honesty. You plucked the last wisteria he couldn't feel and held it in your fingers, rubbing your thumb on its petal. 

"Just do me this favor, did you know about that deal?"

Shigaraki sighed and placed the hand over his face. He couldn't look at your face, not before covering the smile from you confronting him about the plan. "No, of course not."

Nodding, you accepted his answer but something about him reaching down--avoiding looking directly at your face and covering up with the hand, made you unsure about him. The answer didn't sit right with you but you hope he was honest. You deserve that much. 

"Everything went to shit last night."

Rubbing his back you sat on your feet and leaned to the side, trying to see his face through the hand. His eyes were shaking as he remembered the other night. It was almost like a rapid nightmare that seemed too real to have been true but it was just that, it was true. Bakugo got free and All for one was taken away. The only man, the only father figure in Shigaraki's life- his master, was taken away. 

"All for one was arrested-"


Shigaraki's focus drifted to you. But he wasn't looking at you, his eyes were empty and filled with anger. The Shigaraki that had intentions of doing you harm. The one you first saw at Oasis when he had you pinned to the wall. 

His placed his gloves on before he grabbed around your neck, pushing you onto your back causing you to bend your legs the wrong way. You struggled against Shigaraki to free your legs. 

"Master was defeated and Bakugo escaped. Everything went to shit!"

The mask fell, hitting your face before rolling off to the floor. Shigaraki's pupils were thing and his ruby eyes were dimmed as his hands gripped tighter around your neck. You opened your mouth to breath but his thumbs were in the way. Gritting your teeth together, you angled your knee underneath him and struck you knee up to his balls. Shigaraki hunched over, his head on your chest as he covered his balls. You coughed and dragged your body, using your hips to move to the side, as you tried to get your breath back. Your chest rose and sunk like  a ship in a storm, fighting against the wrath of Poseidon. Shigaraki fell to his side. 

"Everything went to shit. Everything went to shit. Everything went to fucking shit."

As you were able to control your breathing, you reached out to Shigaraki. Using the stump of your arm to crawl to Shigaraki and rest above him. He was having a mental break down from his plan failing and losing All for one as a consequence. Brushing back his hair you kissed along his neck to his hands that covered his face. It was hard to tell if he was crying. 

"Shigaraki, we can get him back. We can."

His hands fell like heavy dumbbells. His face showed no emotion or reaction. He wasn't there in the room with you. His body was lifeless while still in your arms. 

"Shigaraki, you have me."

He blinked when you voice cut through. He laid flat and looked up at your face. His eyes glanced from your stump back to your worried eyes. The life, the Shigaraki that you knew was gaining back into his eyes. 

"You have me."

"I have you?" His voice was raspy. It was as if he was recovering from a sickness and barely getting his voice back. 

"You have me and I won't leave you, ever."

His hand rose to wrap around your neck and you grabbed his hand, hoping he doesn't choke you again. 



His hands loosen and you guided his hand down to his chest. For a while you and him stayed in that same position. Him flat on his back with a knee bucked up, his hands on his chest and staring up to your bright eyes. He was lost in them, like the galaxy was locked away in your eyes. You sat on your side, your legs tucked underneath you with your right hand on the opposite side of his hips just staring down at him. Neither looked away or spoke. Instead the silence between the two was enough. It was like an unspoken comfort to be beside one another, nothing needed to be said.

But like all good things, it had to come to an end. Your mom walked in with a cup in her hand and a napkin in another. As usual, Shigaraki pushed you off of him to sit up. You huffed and sat at the foot of the bed. Your mom handed Shigaraki the cup and the napkin, inside of the napkin was a few sweets to go along with the tea. 

"I see you missed my daughter."

You rolled your eyes and made your way to the door facing the garden. As if the other night was ignored, she acted as if you and her have been in contact for years and were on good terms. A little part of you want to yell at her again, reminding her that you were never her daughter but you didn't know how it would bother Shigaraki given the fact his only guardian was taken. Seeing you neglecting your only guardian left while his was just taken away the other night, it could lead him to another bad mood. 

Shigaraki sipped the tea from the cup and placed the napkin of cookies down on the bed. He bent his right leg up to rest his arm on while the other crossed underneath him. "And? What does it matter to you?"

Your mom didn't respond. Instead she nodded and excused herself but not before mentioning that there was food for you in the kitchen if you wanted to join her for breakfast. You nodded, still facing the wisteria that swayed, and said a, ''Not hungry,'' lie. 

When she left the room you turned back around to Shigaraki. Somehow you didn't hear him make his way across the room to behind you. He pinched your chin and forced your attention back to the wisteria. Pushing your hair to the side, he dragged his lips from your shoulder to the center of your neck. His rough, chapped lips fairly touching your skin. Your hand reached back, grabbing his loose shirt. 

"Where does your loyalty stand?"

His right hand snaked up between your arm and your body to grab your neck again. His left hand fished in your pants to feel your pussy. He missed the warmth and the sound of your breath when he takes control. 



"With you."


He pulled away and forced the two fingers that were in your pants into your mouth. 

"Clean them."

You obeyed the command, sucking on the fingers with the best of your abilities. Shigaraki shared no emotion. When he was satisfied of the view he retreated his fingers from your wet mouth and walked back to the bed where he continued sipping the tea while thinking of his next plan of action. 

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