The veins get darker and her eyes get brighter red, "I don't care if it was for the greater good! I don't care what I did that day. This day, I'm telling you I want him back!" She swiftly turns to me. She brings her hand up and then slams in down in the air. With her hand, my knees buckle painful to the floor. I scream out because of the pain and I hear both Mirana and Terrant gasp. Emiliza levels with me and goes back to breaking my personal space. "Now, my beautiful Alice, you. I need you. To give. Me. Permission~"

I can't help but look around. Hoping someone would tell me what this mad lady means. "W-what do you want permission for?"

Emiliza rolls her shoulders and answers me with squinted eyes, "Well, your mind of course." My mind? "Yes, your mind." Did she just? "Yes, I did. But I'm only able to read your outer thoughts, it's the inner thoughts I very much want." She must of realized I'm still not getting it because she started to get more annoyed in her tone "When I'm able to get into your inner thoughts, I'm able to show you things. Show you others thoughts, feeling, and WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!" But no one was talking. Does she hear everyone's thoughts?

"I don't care how scared you all are! We get it, big bad villain in the room, but can you all do yourself a favor and CAN IT!" That probably just made everyone even more scared. She didn't really plan that well, did she?

I look over at my friends, they are frightened and helpless. My friends didn't deserve to be tortured like this. I, most definitely, made my decision. I speak plainly and determined, "No."

Emiliza stops her pacing and turns her head, uncomfortably, slow to me. "No?"

"No, I won't give you my thoughts. You've done nothing but torture my friends since you arrived here. Why would I do anything for you?"

"Torture, huh? Oh pretty, beautiful, yellow haired Alice. You have not even begun to see what I can do to these Unerlanders. No, sweet girl. You want to see torture? I'll give you torture." She brings up her hand and slowly starts to close her hand into a fist. With each movement her fingers make the people around me start to choke on their own blood.

I look around frantically at everyone. People are spitting blood. The White Queen even spits out a good blob of blood and stained her dress red. Painting the roses red. This is not the time Alice! But that only reminds me of the Hatter. I look over to him and he's doubled over in great pain. The whole time he's looking right into my eyes. Begging me to stop his pain. "Stop it," I whisper. But Emiliza does not hear me. I shout this time, "STOP IT! Stop this, please!" I feel tears run down my face. I'm to desperate for her to stop that I don't even care.

"Give me permission and I'll stoP." She made sure to pop the 'p' at the end. I look over at Mirana and see she's shaking her head no, but how can I just let her kill them?

"I give you permission!" And it all stops. No more spitting blood. No more dying. Even Emiliza stops moving. Everyone is silent.

Emiliza slowly turns, so slow I hear the squeaking of her shoes on the once cleaned, white slick floor. I thought she would say something, but instead she starts jumping. Running all over the room and howling like a wolf. She's in such delight she even kisses Chessur on the side of his face. He, of course, is appalled at the action, and shakes her away. She finally arrives back to me and says breathlessly, "At lastttt! Oh Alice we're going to have so much fun. Just wait till I show you my world. Just wait till I show you all the thoughts of everyone. Oh, Alice. Yellow haired, beautiful Alice. So much fun! So much fun!"

What is wrong with this lady?

Mirana is now on her hands and knees still coughing a dry cough. She tried crawling towards me, but Emiliza sees what she's trying to do. She pumps her fist into the air and a dark purple force field surrounds her and me. Emiliza snaps her tongue while wiggling her finger back and forth. "Not so fast, your majesty."

Mirana looks up towards Emiliza. She whispers a weakened, "Please. Don't make me do this. We can't let him out."

Emiliza bends down to get on Miranas level. She speaks to her like she's sorry, but everyone knows she is not, "That's no way to negotiate to someone, who has the best leverage of all to make you say otherwise." Emiliza rises back to full height, and begins walking around the outter edge of the force field. "People of Underland! Thanks to your dear Queen, Mirana, I have access to all of your thoughts. Everything you've ever thought, thinked, or even thanked I know about." She stops when she is front of the Hatter and looks right at him when she says, "Even the bad ones." I watch his eyes go wide and his face become flushed. Why did he react that way? What could be so bad that he becomes scared at her threats?

"And thanks to our beautiful and most loved Alice here, I have access to her thoughts as well. The Queen and her sister know what I want. Knows what I want back in my possession. Unless you want Alice here to know those deep and character changing thoughts... I would get what I want if I were you."

Everyone is speechless. They all looked scared and beyond terrified by her threats. But what could be so bad? Emiliza bends down behind me and I feel her breath on my ear. I shudder in a distasteful way. She whispers to me, "See Alice. We're going to have so much fun. Just wait and see what the people, you most care about, think of you."

This makes me straighten my back. Is she saying they all think badly about me? I never thought badly about them. Or is she suggesting... that someone... thinks of me dirty. I blush at the thought that just went through my mind. "Don't worry, Alice. It will be fun."

She stands back up and speaks to everyone in the room one last time, "Three days everyone. If you've never thought about Alice ever in your life, then don't worry about it. If you have, well, I would get what I want then... Three days." She holds out three fingers to emphasize her words. Then kneels back in front of me and takes my hands. I have no choice but to look at her. And when I do, everything goes black.

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Where stories live. Discover now