Chapter thirty three

Start from the beginning

'Yeah. Whatever.' i said

'Miss Snow, i really don't want to have to write your father.' he said

'Do it. I would love to see what he thinks about you letting people being drugged and doing nothing about it. He might not care about my friend, but he'll care about me. Who do you think he'll believe if i tell him someone drugged me and all you did, was give her detention. Do you really think he'll protect you or his daughter? He might be a terrible father, but he would do everything for me. So, if you wanna write my dad, then do. He'll help me get rid of you.'
'I have to go back to my friends now. How much detention do i get?' i asked

'Three weeks.' Dumbledore said

'Okay. Great. Bye.' i said walking away

'So what did Dumbledore want?' Lily asked

'To give me detention.' i said

'How much?' Reg asked

'Three weeks' i said

'I got one.' Reg said

'So was she there?' Andi asked

'Yeah. She was.' i said

'What will we do about Dumbledore?' Sirius asked

'What can we do about it? He's the headmaster.' James said

'Idk. But we have to figure it out. We can't let him be a headmaster if he doesn't protect people. Would you want your children to go to a school where they're not safe?' i asked

'Well... No.' Lily said

'But still. He's the headmaster.' Sev said

'He is. But not for long.' i said
'Where's Marlene?'

'With Peter. Smoking i think.' Lily said

'Okay. Be right back.' i said

I walked down to the forbidden forest and saw Marlene and Peter at the lake. I started walking towards them.


I was talking to Peter and smoking some of his weed. I don't talk much to Peter. We aren't that close. But he's quite alright.

'How comes you don't have a girlfriend? I bet all girls are after you.' i said

'Not quite. Besides. What would I need a girlfriend for?' Peter asked

'Idk. Don't you want one?' i asked

'No. I don't do relationships. I'm great with just hooking up.' Peter said

'Right.' i said laughing

'There is one girl i like...' Peter said looking at the ground

'Really? Who is it? Do i know her?' i asked teasing him

'Yeah. You do.' he said

'Well who is it?' i asked
'You can tell me. I know how to keep a secret.'
'And maybe I can help you get with her.'

He was smiling at me.

'What?' i asked smiling

He came closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me! Oh no. He likes me?


I saw Pettigrew kiss her. She didn't hesitate. She didn't push him. She kissed back. I know we're not together, but she moves on so fast. I can't deal with this. Seeing her kiss someone else. Knowing i could have her. But I'm an idiot.
Tears we're now falling down my cheek. I could feel my heart getting ripped in two. I whipped my tears away and went up to the astronomy tower.


I pushed him away.

'Peter.' i said with a sad look on my face

'You don't like me back, do you?' he asked

'I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.' i said

'No. You didn't. It's alright. I'm sorry for kissing you.' he said

'It's fine. Let's just forget about it.' i said with a smile

'Okay. Yeah. We should go back to James and the rest.' he said

'Mhm. Let's go.' i said

We went back to James and Sirius and the rest of the group.

'Did Katie talk to you?' Lily asked

'What do you mean?' i asked

'Katie asked where you are and we told her you're smoking with Peter.' James said

'Yeah. And she went to look for you.' Sirius said

'She did? But she didn't come to me.' i said
'I'll go look for her.'


I was looking outside. It looked like it's gonna rain today. It was so peaceful. I love the rain. I could still feel a few tears falling down my cheek. I don't even know why. It's not like i was dating Marlene. I mean it's also not like I don't wanna date her. Ugh. I really need to make up my mind.

'Hey.' Marlene said

'Oh.' i looked at her
'Hey.' i said looking outside

'Jame, Lily and Sirius said you looked for me. But you never came.' Marlene said

'Yeah... I- I forgot.' i said

'Okay. Well. What did you wanna talk about? How did it go with Jones?' she asked sitting down next to me

'It was alright. Jones is in there and Will, will try to hide for now and then go after his father.' i said
'That's why i was looking for you. To tell you that.'

'Aaa. Okay. That's good right?' she asked

'Yes.' i said

'Then why do you look upset?' she asked

'It's... It's nothing.' i said

'You sure?' she asked

'Yeah. Yeah I am.' i said

'Okay. Can we stay here for a bit?' she asked

'Yeah. It's gonna rain soon tho.' i said

'Well, should we go inside?' she asked

'No. I wanna stay. It's lovely.' i said

'In the rain?' she asked

'Yes. It's really nice. You know... Just the rain falling on your body. It's nice.' i said

'Yeah. I guess. But it's also cold and wet.' she said

'Yeah. I don't really care about that.' i said

'So. Idk if it matters or not... Because i don't really know what exactly is going on with us. But. Peter kissed me...' she said

I looked at her only with my eyes and then looked back outside.

'I guess maybe you saw that. And maybe that's why you didn't came to me. I pushed him away. I didn't really kiss back. I mean only for a second. And then i explained to him that i don't like him like that. I just thought, i should let you know. In case that you did see him kiss me.' she said

I looked back at her with a smile on my face. I don't even know why I'm smiling. But i am.

'And I'm sorry about Jones. I didn't want to hurt you.' Marlene said

'I know you didn't. It's alright.' i said

After a few minutes it started raining.

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