Chapter: 2

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Scarlett's POV

How anyone can yell at this sweet girl is beyond me. I managed to get her calmed down and sitting on my lap and soon enough she was out like a light. I smiled to myself as she pushed her face into my neck and was breathing deeply. I could so get used to this.

I have been telling my wife about Briella for months. The Coffee House is kind of out of the way for my commute to work but I still stop every day I can just to see her smiling face. Camden and I are caregivers and I think Briella is a little but I'm nervous to ask her. Or what if she is and she already has a mommy or daddy? The thought of her not being mine makes me frown slightly. I could feel something wet on my shoulder when I realized she was drooling slightly. Cute. I stood up with her, holding her on my hip trying not to wake her. Making my way out of the restroom, I found the owner.

"Is Briella okay?" He seems like a nice man. I could tell he was genuinely concerned for her which is nice to know she has someone who cares about her.

"I think she is more upset than anything, although I do think she should get checked out for the burn on her hand. If it's okay with you I'd like to take her?"

"You're not a serial killer or a kidnapper are you?" He frowned slightly while trying to gage my reaction. I smiled warmly at him while shaking my head.

"No I'm not. I'll give you my card and I will be sure to have Briella call you as soon as she wakes up. Can I have her things to take with us? I'll just drop her off at home after."

After he returned with her bag and I handed him my business card I asked to slip out the back with her so the customers wouldn't see her like this. It's not everyday you see a teenager being carried like a toddler.

My driver picked me up and I asked him to take me to St. Augusta's hospital. I text my assistant to move all my meetings and clear my day. Suddenly I could feel sucking on my collarbone. Briella was still sleeping and looked adorable. I didn't have a pacifier on me and had no idea how she would react if she woke up with one in her mouth so I just let her continue. I would prefer her to keep sleeping until I can get her in an exam room at the hospital.

Walking right up to the nurse in charge, she eyed me suspiciously when she saw Briella still passed out with her head on my shoulder.

"Hello ma'am. Can you page Dr. Adams please."

"Ma'am, she isn't on duty for the Merge. You'll have to wait your turn like everyone else. Please fill out the admissions paperwork here." Well someone is a crusty bitch. I took a few breaths to calm myself and tried giving her a warm smile before continuing.

"Can you please call her? I know she will want to be here."

She shook her head while sighing but none the less picked up the phone and called someone. A few minutes later I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see my beautiful wife smiling at me.

"Hi love. What are you doing here?" She gave me a questioning look and pecked my lips. I could see the nurse out of the corner of my eye probably trying to figure out what was going on but I didn't give her a second thought as I explained what happened earlier to my wife. We went to an exam room and I layed Briella down on the bed earning a whimper from her as Camden sent a nurse to get the supplies she needed. She grabbed my arm and lead me a few feet away to talk.

"So, this is the girl you haven't stopped talking about?" I nodded, "she is cute. I'm assuming that she is a little."

"I'm still not 100% sure. She had a rough morning it could just be that." I shrugged my shoulders. I mean I'm pretty sure but I still haven't asked her and I don't want to make assumptions.

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