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Life is sweet when you're surrounded by people you love. It brings this happy feeling out of nowhere. When you're sad and the only person that keeps you going is the one person that can change your mood with just their smile. That's called true love.

Kalthum smiled as she stared at the group of people sitting in their sitting room discussing her and Basma's coming wedding. Her mom couldn't stop smiling as she engaged herself in the conversation.  She was happy that her two daughters were about to get married not only to nobody but to the men they both loved dearly.

She let out a sigh of content " You know ..." She started while the group of people stopped talking to hear what she wanted to say.

Even Kalthum and Basma paused to hear what their mother wanted to say. They both stared at each other with a confused look on their faces. Basma shrugged at Kalthum, indicating that she didn't know what their mom wanted to say.

" Having you all here with me is a dream come true to me. You all overlooked all my rude past and still came here to support me in my time of need. I'm truly and deeply happy to have you here. Let's not forget my two, beautiful daughters, you two are the best gift gotten from above. We've both faced a lot of challenges and I'm sure I was the one that caused it all but because of the saying that blood is thicker than water, you both were able to overcome all the challenges.

Aunty Suwayba stared at her daughters with eyes filled with tears, she smiled with trembling lips " I love you so much that I now realize that seeing you two happy is what also makes me happy. I'm deeply sorry for whatever I might have done " she broke down in tears.

The visitors knew this moment was meant for the trio so they all decided to excuse themselves out of the room.

Kalthum and Basma couldn't stop the tears running down their faces. It hurts to see their mom like this. They know she still blames herself for all that has happened in the past but they tried making her understand that she was forgiven. It seems their mom still wasn't over that yet.

" Mom..." Basma's voice broke "Please Mom I hate to see you like this. Let's leave the past behind and face reality. We're good now mom, please don't do this to yourself"

Aunty Suwayba wiped the tears, she shook her head " This isn't tears of pain, these tears you two are seeing are the tears of joy. I'm happy that we're home again and also happy that you'll soon be married to the love of your life. Truth be told, I won't deny the fact that I'm sad that you two are leaving soon and I'll be left alone ." She chuckles

" It made me remember when I got married to your father " she smiled remembering him " May his soul rest him peace. Your father was a man of honesty. He was just so good for his good that sometimes I always give thanks to Allah for giving me such a wonderful man like him. But alas death took him away too soon and it hurts so badly, it hurts so bad that I wanted to end my life too "

Basma and Kalthum gasped loudly



Aunty Suwayba shook her head clearing the thought " I thought I couldn't leave without him. It hurts to see that someone you cherish with all your heart leaves you and is never going to come back. It hurts not having him beside me, it hurts not watching you two grow together, it hurts even more that Kalthum reminds me about him a lot. I'm sorry kalthum for all my wicked ways as your mother. I truly did love you, but things took a toll on me and I want to avoid things that remind me of him. You looking too much like him was just too much for me. Then I turned out to be the bad mother I couldn't believe I was " she sobbed loudly. Aunty Suwayba stepped towards Kalthum.

She placed her hand on a stunned kalthum. " I can never believe that I did all those things to you. I'm sorry my darling daughter." She brought her in for a tight hug.

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